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Le Portfolio européen des langues

Le Portfolio européen des langues est un document personnel dans lequel les apprenants de tous âges peuvent enregistrer leur parcours linguistique et leurs expériences culturelles, tant dans le contexte de l’éducation formelle qu’en dehors. Il fournit également un cadre permettant aux apprenants d’évaluer leurs propres compétences linguistiques.

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Veuillez noter que cette base de données fonctionne en anglais seulement, mais qu'elle contient des portfolios en plusieurs langues différentes.

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This model of the European Language Portfolio for use by adult learners of Dutch as a second language in the Netherlands has now been superseded by the web-based portfolio model 89.2007 - see the dedicated website www.europeestaalportfolio.nl for more information (in English and Dutch only).

Country: Pays-Bas
Publication year: 2003
Target group(s): Adults (in general) Language learners Members of migrant communities / Speakers of minority or regional language(s) Participants in adult education programmes
Language(s): Dutch English
Level(s): Adult Post-secondary
Author(s): Netherlands Centre for Innovation of Vocational Education
Model for adult second language learners


The complete version of this web-based model of the European Language Portfolio for use in upper secondary vocational education in the Netherlands is accessible online (in English and Dutch only). It has now been superseded by the web-based portfolio model 89.2007 - see the dedicated website www.europeestaalportfolio.nl for more information (in English and Dutch only).

Country: Pays-Bas
Publication year: 2001
Target group(s): General public Language learners élèves Jeunes (en général)
Language(s): Dutch English
Level(s): Upper secondary
Author(s): Netherlands Centre for Innovation of Vocational Education
Model for learners in upper secondary vocational education


The Dutch Electronic Language Portfolio has been developed by the National Bureau of Modern Foreign Languages under the authority of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science of the Netherlands. This website is based on five officially validated language portfolios, specifically: 33.2002 - Model for learners aged 9 to 12 years old (primary education) 34.2002 a - Model for learners aged 12 to 15 years old (lower secondary education) 34.2002 b - Model for learners aged 15+ (upper secondary education) 36.2002 - Model for adult second language learners 18.2001 - Model for learners in upper secondary vocational education Other versions of the Language Portfolio have been added to these at a later stage, such as the model for higher professional education. The Dutch Electronic Language Portfolio has officially been accredited by the European Validation Committee in Strasbourg under registration number 89.2007 electronic ELP (June, 2007).
For more information and to view the portfolio visit the dedicated website www.europeestaalportfolio.nl (in English and Dutch only).

Country: Pays-Bas
Publication year: 2007
Target group(s): Adults (in general) Business and commerce Children General public Language learners Members of migrant communities / Speakers of minority or regional language(s) Participants in adult education programmes élèves Students Jeunes (en général)
Language(s): Dutch English
Level(s): Adult Lower secondary Post-secondary Primary Tertiary (first stage) Tertiary (second stage) Upper secondary
Author(s): Netherlands National Bureau of Modern Foreign Languages

047.2003 - TURKEY

This European Language Portfolio for use in Turkish secondary schools is based on the materials developed by the Language Policy Division of the Council of Europe. The descriptors in the checklists in the Language Biography are based on the descriptors in the Common European Framework of References for Languages (CoE, 2000), in the Bank of descriptors for self-assessment in European Language Portfolios available at www.coe.int/portfolio (Lenz & Schnieder, 2004), and in European Language Portfolio model No.8.2001 developed by CILT, United Kingdom.

Country: Turquie
Publication year: 2003
Target group(s): General public Language learners élèves Jeunes (en général)
Language(s): English Turkish
Level(s): Upper secondary
Author(s): Ministry of National Education Turkey
Model for students aged 15-18 who study at a secondary school which is affiliated to the Turkish Ministry of National Education

056.2004 - TURKEY

This model for adult learners was developed by TÖMER (the Turkish and Foreign Language Research and Application Centre), based at the University of Ankara. The European Language Portfolio is a tool for recording and reporting language experiences across a lifetime of learning at school, during vocational training, at the workplace, and through informal contacts and intercultural experiences. It will provide a European transparent record of the user's language learning qualifications and experiences in order to serve his or her career.

Country: Turquie
Publication year: 2004
Target group(s): Adults (in general) Language learners
Language(s): English French German Turkish
Level(s): Adult
Author(s): Turkish and Foreign Language Research and Application Centre
Model for adult learners

079.2006 - TURKEY

This model of the European Language Portfolio was developed by the Bilfen Schools, a private educational provider with a well established tradition of excellence in education located in Istanbul. It aims to support students in primary and lower secondary education who are engaged in intensive study in foreign languages.

Country: Turquie
Publication year: 2006
Target group(s): Children Language learners élèves Jeunes (en général)
Language(s): English German Turkish
Level(s): Lower secondary Primary
Author(s): Bilfen Schools
Model for students aged 10 to 14 who study at private schools providing intensive foreign language courses

080.2006 - TURKEY

This European Language Portfolio for use in Turkish primary and lower secondary schools is based on the materials developed by the Language Policy Division of the Council of Europe. The descriptors in the checklists in the Language Biography are based on the descriptors in the Common European Framework of References for Languages (CoE, 2000), in the Bank of descriptors for self-assessment in European Language Portfolios available at www.coe.int/portfolio (Lenz & Schnieder, 2004), and in European Language Portfolio model No.8.2001 developed by CILT, United Kingdom.

Country: Turquie
Publication year: 2006
Target group(s): Children General public Language learners élèves Jeunes (en général)
Language(s): English Turkish
Level(s): Lower secondary Primary
Author(s): Ministry of National Education Turkey
Model for learners aged 10 to 14

084.2006 - LATVIA

The European Language Portfolio for Adults is the first one developed in Latvia. It has been developed by a working group at the Public Service Language Centre and financially supported by the State Language Agency. This version of the ELP has been especially designed for adults to be used for the acquisition of different foreign languages, as well as for the study of Latvian as a foreign language or as a second language. It can be also used in the acquisition of other languages, for example, the ethnic minority languages in Latvia.
For more information on the European Language Portfolio in Latvia see the website of the Latvian Language Agency (in Latvian only).

Country: Lettonie
Publication year: 2006
Target group(s): Adults (in general) General public Language learners Members of migrant communities / Speakers of minority or regional language(s) Participants in adult education programmes Students
Language(s): English Latvian Russian
Level(s): Adult Post-secondary Tertiary (first stage) Tertiary (second stage)
Author(s): Public Service Language Centre Latvia
Model for adult learners

092.2007 - LATVIA

The European Language Portfolio for young learners (age 7–12) has been designed for use in Latvian primary schools by a project group of the Latvian Association of English Language Teachers (LATE) with the support of the State Language Agency. A Companion Volume to the European Language Portfolio for young learners has also been developed in the form of an English version of the Language Biography, so that those students who cannot read Latvian will nevertheless be able to gauge their progress in language learning. Also teachers in other countries who know English will be able to use it to assess the language learning progress of their students from Latvia.
For more information on the European Language Portfolio in Latvia see the website of the Latvian Language Agency (in Latvian only).

Country: Lettonie
Publication year: 2007
Target group(s): Children General public Language learners élèves
Language(s): English Latvian
Level(s): Primary
Author(s): Latvian Association of English Language Teachers
Model for young learners aged 7-12

077.2006 - GERMANY

The European Language Portfolio for Adults was developed by a working group led by the Thüringer Volkshochschulverband and was validated in June 2006 by the Council of Europe. It focuses upon helping learners to become aware of their skills and knowledge in all areas of life, whether these were acquired through formal, non-formal or informal learning styles. Users should be able to develop three key competencies in particular: - Native language fluency - Foreign language fluency - Learning how to learn The portfolio can be ordered from Hueber Verlag and is available in a German language edition only.
Contact details are as follows: Hueber Verlag GmbH & Co. KG Max-Hueber-Str. 4 85737 Ismaning Tel.: +49 (0) 89 96 02 - 96 03 Fax: +49 (0) 89 96 02 - 268 E-Mail: kundenservice@hueber.de
For further information please see the dedicated website maintained by the Thüringer Volkshochschulverband (in German only), or contact: Dr. Beate Benndorf-Helbig Fachreferentin Berufliche Bildung Projektmanagement Koordination Europäisches Sprachenportfolio Thüringer Volkshochschulverband e.V. Saalbahnhofstraße 27 07743 Jena Germany Phone: +49 (0) 3641 53423-18 Fax: +49 (0) 3641 53423-23 E-Mail: beate.benndorf@vhs-th.de

Country: Allemagne
Publication year: 2006
Target group(s): Adults (in general) General public Language learners Members of migrant communities / Speakers of minority or regional language(s) Participants in adult education programmes
Language(s): German
Level(s): Adult Post-secondary
Author(s): Heinz Reiske, Rotraut Koll, Regina Clauß-Flemmig, Beate Benndorf-Helbig, Myriam Fischer, Marlis Schill
Model for adults

086.2007 - ARMENIA

This model of the European Language Portfolio for use in Armenian primary schools was developed by a team of experts at the Yerevan State Linguistic University after V.Brusov, on behalf of the Armenian Ministry of Education and Science.

Country: Arménie
Publication year: 2007
Target group(s): Children General public Language learners élèves
Language(s): Armenian English
Level(s): Primary
Author(s): Melanya Astvatsatryan
Model for young learners aged 6 to 10


The Conseil Européen pour les Langues / European Language Council has launched of its own model of the Council of Europe’s European Language Portfolio (ELP), specifically designed for the higher education sector. The ELP, which constitutes a practical application of the Common European Framework of Reference for languages, is designed to promote plurilingualism and dialogue between cultures; facilitate mobility in Europe; strengthen and preserve cultural diversity; foster autonomous learning; encourage lifelong language learning. The ELP can be used for all languages and in any institutional environment. It allows learners to record their language skills and to give prominence to their intercultural experiences - and this in regard to all foreign languages learnt. Thanks to the use of a set of common skill-specific descriptors developed for the Common European Framework of Reference, the ELP provides transparent and internationally comparable information about a learner’s proficiency in any number of languages. The CEL/ELC’s ELP contains a number of additional descriptors specifically developed for higher education, which can provide guidance for the development of innovative language curricula and of other types of language provision. The Portfolio can play an important role in the creation of European lifelong learning area in general and of a European higher education area as envisaged in the Bologna Declaration in particular. Moreover, it can facilitate the development and implementation of coherent institutional language policies in the higher education sector.
For more information please visit the website of the European Language Council (in English, French and German) or the website of the Language Centre of the University of Lausanne (in French). The portfolio inserts are freely available in German and Spanish; however the original, base version of the portfolio in French and English is only available for purchase through the publisher, Schulverlag Plus.

Country: Autriche
Publication year: 2002
Target group(s): General public Language learners Students
Language(s): English French German Spanish
Level(s): Tertiary (first stage) Tertiary (second stage)
Author(s): Brigitte Forster Vosicki
Model for learners in higher education


001.2000 - SWITZERLAND

The Language Portfolio ELP III for young people from age 16 and adults is the first Swiss Language Portfolio. As of the new edition published in 2010, it is now supported by the web portal www.sprachenportfolio.ch (information available in English, German, Italian, French and Romansh. The Internet portal helps you fill in the Language Portfolio and allows you to use all the functions of the ELP III. Once purchased, all documents are available for download and can be filled in electronically. With the support of the Internet, the Portfolio becomes much more flexible. At the same time, you can benefit from the advantages of the clear folder structure to find the documents you need. Here you will learn about possible uses of the Language Portfolio III and you will receive instructions on how to use it as a student or as a teacher. This website provides generally accessible information and instructions regarding the usage of the ELP III for all learners and teachers and, as of 2011, for various target groups, e.g. for general education schools (matura schools and specialised middle schools) and for vocational education schools.

Country: Suisse
Publication year: 2000
Target group(s): Adults (in general) General public Language learners Participants in adult education programmes élèves Students Jeunes (en général)
Language(s): English French German Italian Romansh
Level(s): Adult Lower secondary Post-secondary Tertiary (first stage) Tertiary (second stage) Upper secondary
Author(s): Günther Schneider, Brian North, Leo Koch
Model for young people and adults

This portfolio is not available for download here.

067.2005 - SWITZERLAND

ELP II supports learners at primary and lower secondary level in their language learning process. The aim of working with the ELP is to foster language awareness, to improve learners’ abilities to describe their language proficiency and to enhance their capacity to reflect on their learning and intercultural experiences. The ELP has been developed to foster learner autonomy in language learning, to stimulate an interest in plurilingualism and to motivate language learners. ELP II coherently builds on ELP I (version for learners at primary level, 2005) and develops the portfolio competences necessary for ELP III (version for young people and adults, 2001). The portfolio can be ordered from the publisher, Schulverlag Plus.

Country: Suisse
Publication year: 2005
Target group(s): General public Language learners élèves Jeunes (en général)
Language(s): English French German Italian Romansh
Level(s): Lower secondary
Author(s): Simone Bersinger, Urs Jordi, Martine Tchang
Model for learners in lower secondary education

This portfolio is not available for download here.

095.2008 - SWITZERLAND

This European Language Portfolio model guides learners at primary level in their language learning process. The aim of working with the ELP is to foster language awareness, to improve learners’ abilities to describe their language proficiency and to enhance their capacity to reflect on their learning and intercultural experiences. The ELP has been developed to foster learner autonomy in language learning, to stimulate an interest in multilingualism and to motivate language learners. The model also comes with a specially developed "Portfolino" for very young learners. By working with the Portfolino, the European Language Portfolio (ELP) for learners attending pre-school or the first year of primary school, children become aware that they are living in a multilingual, multicultural world. The sections on languages in my environment, languages at school and languages outside school enable children to compile their own first language biographies. The documents contained in the Portfolino allow them to discover language competences and to describe language use for the first time. The portfolio and portfolino are available to order from the publisher, Schulverlag Plus.

Country: Suisse
Publication year: 2008
Target group(s): Children General public Language learners élèves
Language(s): English French German Italian Romansh
Level(s): Pre-primary Primary
Author(s): Régine Berras, Olivier Mack, Monika Mettler, Véronique Roncoroni-Arlettaz, Esther Sauer, Andrea Zeiger
Model for young learners aged 7 to 11 (including a Portfolino for children aged 4 to 7)

046.2003 - GERMANY

This portfolio model was developed by a team of experts on behalf of the City of Hamburg, and is intended for use in German lower secondary schools. It can be ordered online from the publisher Diesterweg.

Country: Allemagne
Publication year: 2003
Target group(s): General public Language learners élèves Jeunes (en général)
Language(s): English French German Turkish
Level(s): Lower secondary
Author(s): City of Hamburg
Model for learners in lower secondary education

This portfolio is not available for download here.


The European Language Portfolio should become our official European document showing our knowledge of foreign languages. It supports the acquisition of communication skills which are so important for living in Europe. The Portfolio encourages us to collect documents about our communicative competence in various languages, to learn self-assessment according to the synchronised European criteria created by the Council of Europe in the Common European Framework of Languages, to add self-awareness to our learning, and to set successive learning goals. We can make use of it when transferring to another school, looking for a job or when dealing with foreign institutions. Teachers will find it a useful assistant doe explaining and synchronising teaching and learning requirements. It will also help them to assess individual pupils and to keep records of all the tests and work carried out by the pupils during their foreign language learning in one place. In future, Europeans of all ages could have their own language portfolios. The European Language Portfolio by Fraus Publishing House (Czech Republic)
- Conception based on materials developed by the Modern Languages Project Group of the Council of Europe (A Common European Framework of Reference for Languages);
- Intended for Czech learners of age up to 11;
- Adjusted to the needs of Czech learners (with the permisson of the authors);
- Some skills typically required in the Czech context added;
- Printed with a pocket for inserting other works, photos, etc. The European Language Portfolio consists of three parts: I. Language Passport, II. Language Biography, including Self-Assessment Grid, and III. Dossier.
More information is available online at http://ucebnice.fraus.cz/evropske-jazykove-portfolio-do-11-let/ (in Czech only). Alternatively e-mail marketing@fraus.cz.

Country: République tchèque
Publication year: 2001
Target group(s): Children General public Language learners élèves
Language(s): Czech
Level(s): Primary
Author(s): Sylva Nováková, Miluška Karásková, Radka Perclová, Milena Zbranková
Model for learners up to 11 years old

This portfolio is not available for download here.

024.2001 - AUSTRIA

The European Language Portfolio (ELP) is a tool created by the Council of Europe for language learners in order to help them to assess and document their knowledge on their own. The Vienna Board of Education, the Vienna Pedagogic Institute and the Association of National Education, together with organisations from neighbouring countries, were involved in creating a European Language Portfolio for the Central-European Region that is intended to cross between regions and levels and point out and document language ability as well as social and cross-cultural experiences of learners in the Centrope Region. Included in this project are primary level (6 to 10 year olds), secondary level I (10 to 15 year olds), secondary level II (16 to 19 year olds) and adult education. The model for learners in upper secondary vocational education was developed during EdQ-Education Quality, a project supported by the European Union, and in cooperation with the Pädagogisches Intitut der Stadt Wien.

Country: Autriche
Publication year: 2001
Target group(s): General public Language learners élèves Students Jeunes (en général)
Language(s): German
Level(s): Lower secondary Upper secondary
Author(s): Wernfried Krieger, Adelheid Mangold-Renner, Lotte Rieder, Daniela Weitensfelder
Model for learners in upper secondary vocational education

063.2004 - AUSTRIA

The European Language Portfolio (ELP) is a tool created by the Council of Europe for language learners in order to help them to assess and document their knowledge on their own. The Vienna Board of Education, the Vienna Pedagogic Institute and the Association of National Education, together with organisations from neighbouring countries, were involved in creating a European Language Portfolio for the Central-European Region that is intended to cross between regions and levels and point out and document language ability as well as social and cross-cultural experiences of learners in the Centrope Region. Included in this project are primary level (6 to 10 year olds), secondary level I (10 to 15 year olds), secondary level II (16 to 19 year olds) and adult education. The model for learners aged 10-15 was developed in 2000, during the CERNET project (1996-2004) which was supported by the European Union, and the European Office of the Board of Education in Vienna.

Country: Autriche
Publication year: 2004
Target group(s): Children General public Language learners élèves Jeunes (en général)
Language(s): English German
Level(s): Lower secondary Primary
Author(s): Franz Schimek, Claudia Ischepp, Brigitte Schützelhofer, Hobln Traude Huber
Model for learners aged 10-15

068.2005 - AUSTRIA

The European Language Portfolio (ELP) is a tool created by the Council of Europe for language learners in order to help them to assess and document their knowledge on their own. The Vienna Board of Education, the Vienna Pedagogic Institute and the Association of National Education, together with organisations from neighbouring countries, were involved in creating a European Language Portfolio for the Central-European Region that is intended to cross between regions and levels and point out and document language ability as well as social and cross-cultural experiences of learners in the Centrope Region. Included in this project are primary level (6 to 10 year olds), secondary level I (10 to 15 year olds), secondary level II (16 to 19 year olds) and adult education. The model for learners aged 14-18 in general education was developed during EdQ-Education Quality, a project supported by the European Union, and in cooperation with the Pädagogisches Intitut der Stadt Wien.

Country: Autriche
Publication year: 2005
Target group(s): General public Language learners élèves Jeunes (en général)
Language(s): German
Level(s): Lower secondary Upper secondary
Author(s): Christa Schubert, Claudia Valsky, Hannah Kaiser, Heidemarie Rice, Heidi Sequenz, Eleonore Truxa
Model for learners aged 14-18 in general education

094.2008 - AUSTRIA

The European Language Portfolio (ELP) is a tool created by the Council of Europe for language learners in order to help them to assess and document their knowledge on their own. The Vienna Board of Education, the Vienna Pedagogic Institute and the Association of National Education, together with organisations from neighbouring countries, were involved in creating a European Language Portfolio for the Central-European Region that is intended to cross between regions and levels and point out and document language ability as well as social and cross-cultural experiences of learners in the Centrope Region. Included in this project are primary level (6 to 10 year olds), secondary level I (10 to 15 year olds), secondary level II (16 to 19 year olds) and adult education. The model for primary learners aged 6 to 10 was developed by the Stadtschulrat Wien as part of the EU-funded project EdTwin.

Country: Autriche
Publication year: 2008
Target group(s): Children General public Language learners élèves
Language(s): Czech German Hungarian Slovak
Level(s): Primary
Author(s): Franz Schimek, Romy Höltzer, Štefana Kožikovà, Eva Domiková, Ivana Hrozková, Marcela Marková, Petra Tomanová, Alžběta Raziková, Ildikó Kiss
Model for primary learners aged 6 to 10

091.2007 - AUSTRIA

The European Language Portfolio produced by the Verband Österreichischer Volkshochschulen (Union of Austrian Adult Education Colleges) is the first ELP for adults in Austria to be accredited by the Council of Europe. The portfolio is based on the Council of Europe's Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), and is an information tool and learning companion which language learners can use to plan, evaluate and document their own individual learning trajectories. The collection of documents in the portfolio can be continually added to and updated.
• The portfolio allows teachers and educational instutions to better understand the needs and motivations of course participants, and to base their lesson planning around these factors. In this way, a tailor-made plan for language acquisition becomes possible - one that takes into account the special requirements (eg work or holiday allowance), interests and pre-existing knowledge of individual course participants.
• The portfolio makes the assessment of learning achievement more objective, and as such it is an important tool for guaranteeing quality of teaching.
• Parts of the portfolio (for instance the presentation dossier) can also be used during job interviews, applications and course admission procedures. • The portfolio makes it possible to match previously acquired qualifications and language certificates/diplomas to the descriptive levels of the CEFR.
For more information visit the website of the Verband Österreichischer Volkshochschulen (in German only), or contact: Mag.a Elisabeth Feigl-Bogenreiter Verband Österreichischer Volkshochschulen e.feigl-bogenreiter@vhs.or.at tel: 216 4226/17

Country: Autriche
Publication year: 2007
Target group(s): Adults (in general) General public Language learners Participants in adult education programmes
Language(s): German
Level(s): Adult Post-secondary
Author(s): Elisabeth Bogenreiter-Feigl, Christine Bitsche, Catherine Castellani, María Guadalupe Nava de González, Thomas Fritz, Elisabeth Halej, Nicole Slupetzky, Gudrun Walluschek-Wallfeld, Michaela Schöffl

This portfolio is not available for download here.

004.2000 - GERMANY

The North Rhine-Westphalia model of the European Language Portfolio is one of several developed as part of a collaboration between the German states of Berlin, Bremen, Hessen and North Rhine-Westphalia for use in primary and secondary education in Germany.

Country: Allemagne
Publication year: 2000
Target group(s): General public Language learners élèves Jeunes (en général)
Language(s): German
Level(s): Lower secondary
Author(s): Christiane Doms, Bettina Gerke, Ursula Stoll, Nicole Wrana, Eike Thürmann
Model for learners in lower secondary education

038.2003 - BELGIUM

This model of the European Language Portfolio was developed for pupils in the third stage of primary education as well as for those in the first stage of their secondary education. It was developed by the Ministry of the French-speaking Community of Belgium, and is issued in French - the language of instruction in schools in the Community.

Country: Belgique
Publication year: 2003
Target group(s): Children General public Language learners élèves Jeunes (en général)
Language(s): French
Level(s): Lower secondary Primary
Author(s): Communauté française de Belgique
Model for children in primary education

039.2003 - BELGIUM

This model of the European Language Portfolio is aimed at students in the second and third stages of secondary education. It was developed by the Ministry of the French-speaking Community of Belgium, and is issued in French - the language of instruction in schools in the Community.

Country: Belgique
Publication year: 2003
Target group(s): General public Language learners élèves Jeunes (en général)
Language(s): French
Level(s): Upper secondary
Author(s): Communauté française de Belgique
Model for learners in upper secondary education

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