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Le Portfolio européen des langues

Le Portfolio européen des langues est un document personnel dans lequel les apprenants de tous âges peuvent enregistrer leur parcours linguistique et leurs expériences culturelles, tant dans le contexte de l’éducation formelle qu’en dehors. Il fournit également un cadre permettant aux apprenants d’évaluer leurs propres compétences linguistiques.

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Veuillez noter que cette base de données fonctionne en anglais seulement, mais qu'elle contient des portfolios en plusieurs langues différentes.

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103.2009 - ALBANIA

The European Language Portfolio for university students in Albania (ELPA) has been developed for use by university students who are learning languages for professional or social purposes. It follows the format designed by the Council of Europe for all European Language Portfolios, and is tailored to be particularly relevant to university students or work-related language learning in Albania. Its aims are to support language learning; promote plurilingualism and dialogue between cultures; strengthen cultural diversity; foster autonomous learning; and facilitate mobility in Europe.

Country: Albanie
Publication year: 2009
Target group(s): Language learners Students
Language(s): Albanian English French
Level(s): Post-secondary Tertiary (first stage)
Author(s): Tatjana Vuçani, Shpresa Delija, Andromaqi Haloçi, Ogerta Koruti

083.2006 - CYPRUS

The European Language Portfolio for Cyprus is designed for learners in lower secondary education, and has been introduced in all lower secondary public schools as well as in some private schools. The Portfolio is available to order from: Ministry of Education and Culture C/O Ms Efrosyni Tofaridou, Inspector of French Kimonos and Thoukidides Streets 1434 Nicosia CYPRUS

Country: Chypre
Publication year: 2006
Target group(s): General public Language learners élèves Jeunes (en général)
Language(s): English French Greek
Level(s): Lower secondary
Author(s): Ministry of Education and Culture Cyprus
Model for teenagers 12-15 years old

This portfolio is not available for download here.

093.2007 - ESTONIA

The Estonian version of the European Language Portfolio is designed for students aged 12 to 16, and was developed by a committee formed under the auspices of the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research. For more information (in Estonian) see the website created for the ELP by the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research.

Country: Estonie
Publication year: 2007
Target group(s): General public Language learners élèves Jeunes (en général)
Language(s): English Estonian Russian
Level(s): Lower secondary
Author(s): Pilvi Alp, Vega Jürgens, Piret Kanne, Mare Kasuri, Suliko Liiv, Anne Lind, Kristi Mere, Ülle Türk, Kersti Söstar, Tönu Tender
Model for learners aged 12 to 16

110.2010 - GREECE

This model of the European Language Portfolio for use in Greek primary schools is designed to facilitate and encourage language learning among pupils, and provide an interactive tool for teachers of foreign languages. An electronic version of the portfolio together with further information is accessible online on the website of the Greek Pedagogical Institute.

Country: Grèce
Publication year: 2010
Target group(s): Children Language learners élèves
Language(s): Greek
Level(s): Primary
Author(s): Evangelia Kaga
Model for primary schools (for pupils aged 9 to 12)

043.2003 - GREECE

This model of the European Language Portfolio for use in lower secondary education in Greek schools is designed to facilitate and encourage language learning among pupils, and provide an interactive tool for teachers of foreign languages. An electronic version of the portfolio together with further information is accessible online on the website of the Greek Pedagogical Institute.

Country: Grèce
Publication year: 2003
Target group(s): General public Language learners élèves Jeunes (en général)
Language(s): English French German Greek
Level(s): Lower secondary
Author(s): Evangelia Kaga
Model for learners aged 12 to 15

074.2006 - ICELAND

This ve­rsion of t­he­ EUROPEAN LANGUAGE PORTFOLIO has be­e­n spe­cially d­e­signe­d­ for use­ in Ice­land­ic lowe­r se­cond­ary schools. Accord­ingly, it­ t­ake­s account­ of t­he­ le­arning goals pre­scribe­d­ in t­he­ Nat­ional Curriculum for lowe­r se­cond­ary schools issue­d­ in 1999 for Danish and­ English. In part­icular, t­he­ LANGUAGE BIOGRAPHY cont­ains d­e­t­aile­d­ che­cklist­s of t­he­se­ goals in e­ach language­, classifie­d­ accord­ing t­o common re­fe­re­nce­ le­ve­ls e­st­ablishe­d­ by t­he­ Council of Europe­. Further information is available on the website of the Icelandic National Centre for Educational Materials (in Icelandic only).

Country: Islande
Publication year: 2006
Target group(s): General public Language learners élèves Jeunes (en général)
Language(s): Danish English Icelandic
Level(s): Lower secondary
Author(s): Ald­ís Yngvad­ót­t­ir, Erna Árnad­ót­t­ir
Model for lower secondary level

075.2006 - ICELAND

This­ ve­rs­ion of t­he­ EUROPEAN LANGUAGE PORTFOLIO has­ be­e­n s­pe­cially designe­d for us­e­ in Ice­landic uppe­r s­e­condary s­chools­. Accordingly, it­ t­ake­s­ account­ of t­he­ le­arning goals­ pre­s­cribe­d in t­he­ Nat­ional Curriculum­ for uppe­r s­e­condary s­chools­ is­s­ue­d in 1999 for Danis­h, Englis­h, Fre­nch, Ge­rm­an and Spanis­h. In part­icular, t­he­ LANGUAGE BIOGRAPHY cont­ains­ de­t­aile­d checklists­ of t­he­s­e­ goals­ in e­ach language­, clas­s­ifie­d according t­o com­m­on refe­re­nce­ le­ve­ls­ e­s­t­ablis­he­d by t­he­ Council of Europe­. Further information is available on the website of the Icelandic National Centre for Educational Materials (in Icelandic only).

Country: Islande
Publication year: 2006
Target group(s): Language learners élèves Jeunes (en général)
Language(s): English Icelandic
Level(s): Upper secondary
Author(s): Ald­ís Yngvad­ót­t­ir, Erna Árnad­ót­t­ir
Model for upper secondary level

011.2001 - IRELAND

This version of the European Language Portfolio was developed by Integrate Ireland Language and Training for use in Irish primary schools with non-English speaking pupils who are learning the language of the host community. The self-assessment grid of the Common European Framework of Reference summarises six levels of second/foreign language proficiency, from beginner to very advanced. Language support provided to non-English speaking pupils in primary education in Ireland is concerned with the first three levels (A1, A2 and B1). This ELP was designed to reflect the English language demands of the Irish Primary Curriculum (2000). The graded curriculum for language support is set out in the English Language Proficiency Benchmarks for Non-English Speaking Pupils at Primary Level (2003) (see below).

Country: Irlande
Publication year: 2001
Target group(s): Children Language learners Members of migrant communities / Speakers of minority or regional language(s) élèves
Language(s): English
Level(s): Primary
Author(s): Integrate Ireland Language and Training
Model for use in primary education with a specific target group: immigrants learning the language of the host country.

012.2001 - IRELAND

This version of the European Language Portfolio was developed by Integrate Ireland Language and Training for use in Irish post-primary schools with non-English speaking students who are learning the language of the host community. The self-assessment grid of the Common European Framework of Reference summarises six levels of second/foreign language proficiency, from beginner to very advanced. Language support provided to non-English speaking students in post-primary education in Ireland is concerned with the first three levels (A1, A2 and B1). This ELP was designed to reflect the English language demands of the Irish Post-Primary Curriculum (2000). The graded curriculum for language support is set out in the English Language Proficiency Benchmarks for Non-English Speaking Pupils at Post-Primary Level (2003) (see below).

Country: Irlande
Publication year: 2001
Target group(s): Language learners Members of migrant communities / Speakers of minority or regional language(s) élèves Jeunes (en général)
Language(s): English
Level(s): Lower secondary Upper secondary
Author(s): Integrate Ireland Language and Training
Model for use in post-primary education with a specific target group: immigrants learning the language of the host country.

066.2005 - IRELAND

My European Language Portfolio (My ELP) is the junior model of the ELP (Ref: 66.2005) developed by the Modern Languages in Primary Schools Initiative. Besides fulfilling all criteria required for Council of Europe accreditation, My ELP presents a number of characteristics which make it a user-friendly tool for both teachers and pupils at senior primary school level. The key characteristics of My ELP are:
• Colour-coded and child-friendly version designed for pupils aged 9-13
• Entirely bilingual English/Irish (Gaeilge)
• Includes elements of four target languages – French, Spanish, German and Italian
• Added-value My Language Biography with: - Topic-based framework for can-do descriptors checklists at level A1 - Can-do checklists at level A2 also included - ‘How I learn languages’ subsection enhances reflection in Language Awareness - intercultural awareness page supplement each topic - Language and Culture subsection linking language learning to all other subject areas in the primary school curriculum
• Child-friendly version of the Council of Europe Self-Assessment grid for levels A1 to B2
• Whiteboard Page-Suite version accessible on www.mlpsi.ie
• Numerous supporting resources for teachers and for classroom use also available to download from www.mlpsi.ie : can-do speech bubbles, exploring My ELP worksheets, language awareness and intercultural awareness reflection worksheets, can-do speech bubbles stickers...

Country: Irlande
Publication year: 2005
Target group(s): Children General public Language learners élèves
Language(s): English Gaelic
Level(s): Primary
Author(s): Modern Languages in Primary Schools Initiative
Model for learners in primary education

037.2002 - MILESTONE

This multilingual version of the EUROPEAN LANGUAGE PORTFOLIO was designed and developed transnationally by the partners in the MILESTONE project. The Milestone Project, funded by the EU under Comenius 2, is a network of language teachers of migrant learners in language and vocational classes. The Milestone ELP has been piloted in migrant language classes in Finland, Germany, Ireland, The Netherlands, and Sweden with learners ranging from teenagers to older adults. Some learners were in the early stages of learning the language of the host community, while others had already entered vocational training and were preparing to enter the labour market. This European Language Portfolio is intended to: - Support teaching and learning through the gradual development of learner autonomy - Provide evidence of the holder’s language abilities and intercultural capacities to teachers, officials, and prospective employers - Develop in learners a range of transferable learning, communication and intercultural skills which are essential for effective engagement at all levels with the host society

Country: Allemagne
Publication year: 2002
Target group(s): Adults (in general) Business and commerce Language learners Members of migrant communities / Speakers of minority or regional language(s) Participants in adult education programmes Jeunes (en général)
Language(s): English German
Level(s): Adult Post-secondary
Author(s): Milestone Project
Model for learners of the host community language


111.2010 - MONTENEGRO

This version of the European Language Portfolio was developed by a group of teachers and advisors working for the Bureau for Education Services of Montenegro for use in lower secondary education.

Country: Monténégro
Publication year: 2010
Target group(s): General public Language learners élèves Jeunes (en général)
Language(s): English other Languages
Level(s): Lower secondary
Author(s): Nataša Perić, Ljiljana Subotić, Danka Tomić, Bojana Bulatović, Danijela Ljepavić
Model for learners aged 12-15

100.2009 - NORWAY

The European Language Portfolio 6-12 is specially adapted to primary school pupils in Norwegian schools, and can help to ensure that each student learns according to his or her own individual needs. The portfolio is not a textbook, but a tool to assist in language learning. It contains no assessments and is not intended to measure performance. The portfolio belongs completely to the individual student. In order to arouse interest in other languages ​​and cultures, the language portfolio encourages students to evaluate their own work and set new goals. The portfolio is focused on promoting a reflective approach and the development of learning strategies, which are essential for lifelong learning of languages. For the teacher the language portfolio can provide lesson ideas and be a good tool for planning and ongoing assessment, and can also be an encouragement to make classroom teaching more practical. The portfolio may also make it easier to focus on each student's individual needs. More information is available on the website of the Norwegian Centre for Foreign Languages in Education.

Country: Norvège
Publication year: 2009
Target group(s): Children Language learners élèves
Language(s): Norwegian
Level(s): Primary
Author(s): Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training
Model for young learners aged 6 to 12

097.2008 - NORWAY

The European Language Portfolio is an educational tool that will give students and others who have learned, or are about to learn a foreign language an opportunity to document their language skills and reflect on their own language learning. The language portfolio is used to confirm what the language learner is able to do in different languages ​​and how he or she has acquired this knowledge. Every language in which the learner has acquired any degree of competency is to be mentioned in the file, regardless of whether that language has been learned in school or otherwise. The portfolio is the user's property and it is the user who is responsible for taking care of it and keeping it updated. The European Language Portfolio for learners aged 13-18 consists of four parts: the Language Passport, Language Biography Part 1, Language Biography part 2 and the Language Dossier. More information is available on the website of the Norwegian Centre for Foreign Languages in Education.

Country: Norvège
Publication year: 2008
Target group(s): General public Language learners élèves Jeunes (en général)
Language(s): Norwegian
Level(s): Lower secondary Upper secondary
Author(s): Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training
Model for learners aged 13 to 18

113.2010 - NORWAY

The European Language Portfolio for adult migrants, a Norwegian version of the European Language Portfolio (ELP), was developed according to guidelines of the Council of Europe in line with the Common European Framework of References for Languages ​​(CEFR). It is based on known principles of learning and teaching in foreign language and second language, and its goal is to promote and document the acquisition of language skills. As such, the language portfolio has both a monitoring and an educational function. Although this portfolio was developed specifically for use in teaching Norwegian as a second language, each part can also be used by any language teacher or learner.

Country: Norvège
Publication year: 2010
Target group(s): Adults (in general) Language learners Members of migrant communities / Speakers of minority or regional language(s)
Language(s): Norwegian
Level(s): Adult Post-secondary
Author(s): Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training
Model for adult migrants

109.2010 - SLOVENIA

The European Language Portfolio for Adults has been developed according to the common guidelines of the European Language Portfolio pilot project of the Council of Europe. It is a document which brings the common goals of the Council of Europe in the field of modern languages into practice. It aims to: - promote dialogue among European citizens; - promote cultural diversity; - promote multilingualism; - promote plurilingualism as a lifelong process; - develop skills for lifelong language learning. More information is available on the website of the Slovenian Ministry of Education and Sport (in Slovenian only)

Country: Slovénie
Publication year: 2010
Target group(s): Adults (in general) Language learners Participants in adult education programmes
Language(s): English Slovenian
Level(s): Adult Post-secondary
Author(s): Zdravka Godunc, Branka Petek, Irena Amič, Nataša Elvira Jelenc, Ana Marija Muster, Darja Šorjanc Braico, Tatjana Žlindra
Model for adults

057.2004 - SLOVENIA

The European Language Portfolio for learners aged 11 to 15 has been developed for use in Slovenian schools according to the common guidelines of the European Language Portfolio pilot project of the Council of Europe. It is a document which brings the common goals of the Council of Europe in the field of modern languages into practice. It aims to: - promote dialogue among European citizens; - promote cultural diversity; - promote multilingualism; - promote plurilingualism as a lifelong process; - develop skills for lifelong language learning. More information is available on the website of the Ministry of Education and Sport (in Slovenian only).

Country: Slovénie
Publication year: 2004
Target group(s): Children General public Language learners élèves Jeunes (en général)
Language(s): English Slovenian
Level(s): Primary Lower secondary
Author(s): Zdravka Godunc, Janez Skela, Nada Holc
Model for learners aged 11 to 15

082.2006 - SLOVENIA

The European Language Portfolio for learners aged 15 to 19 has been developed for use in Slovenian secondary schools according to the common guidelines of the European Language Portfolio pilot project of the Council of Europe. It is a document which brings the common goals of the Council of Europe in the field of modern languages into practice. It aims to: - promote dialogue among European citizens; - promote cultural diversity; - promote multilingualism; - promote plurilingualism as a lifelong process; - develop skills for lifelong language learning. More information is available on the website of the Slovenian Ministry of Education and Sport (in Slovenian only).

Country: Slovénie
Publication year: 2006
Target group(s): General public Language learners élèves Jeunes (en général)
Language(s): English Slovenian
Level(s): Lower secondary Upper secondary
Author(s): Zdravka Godunc, Nada Puklavec, Milka Enčeva, Sabina Mulej
Model for learners aged 15 to 19

118.2010 - SLOVENIA

The European Language Portfolio for Adults has been developed according to the common guidelines of the European Language Portfolio pilot project of the Council of Europe. It is a document which brings the common goals of the Council of Europe in the field of modern languages into practice. It aims to: - promote dialogue among European citizens; - promote cultural diversity; - promote multilingualism; - promote plurilingualism as a lifelong process; - develop skills for lifelong language learning. More information is available on the website of the Slovenian Ministry of Education and Sport (in Slovenian only).

Country: Slovénie
Publication year: 2010
Target group(s): Children General public Language learners élèves
Language(s): English Slovenian
Level(s): Primary
Author(s): Zdravka Godunc, Janez Skela, Lucija Čok, Neva Šečerov, Anja Zorman
Model for learners aged 6 to 10

019.2001 - SWEDEN

The European Language Portfolio for learners aged 16 + is produced by the Division for School Internationalisation, Uppsala University, and is intended primarily for use by young people in secondary schools (especially those engaged in vocational programs), but can also be used by adults seeking to qualify for further study or employment. It was launched during the European Year of Languages ​​2001 and has been subsequently revised and updated. It was also digitised in autumn 2010. The material can now be downloaded from the website of the Division for School Internationalisation and used freely. It is also possible to write directly in the material and save the completed file in your computer.

Country: Suède
Publication year: 2001
Target group(s): Adults (in general) General public Language learners Participants in adult education programmes élèves Jeunes (en général)
Language(s): Swedish
Level(s): Adult Post-secondary Upper secondary
Author(s): Uppsala University Division for School Internationalisation
Model for learners aged 16+

060.2004 - SWEDEN

The European Language Portfolio for learners aged 6 to 11 was developed for use in Swedish primary schools by an expert group on behalf of the National Agency for Schools, a department of the Swedish Ministry of Education and Science. Further information is available on the website of the Swedish National Agency for Education.

Country: Suède
Publication year: 2004
Target group(s): Children General public Language learners élèves
Language(s): Swedish
Level(s): Primary
Author(s): Cecilia Nihlén, Roger Persson, Kerstin Sundin
Model for learners aged 6 to 11

061.2004 - SWEDEN

The European Language Portfolio for learners aged 12 to 16 was developed for use in Swedish secondary schools by an expert group on behalf of the National Agency for Schools, a department of the Swedish Ministry of Education and Science. Further information is available on the website of the Swedish National Agency for Education.

Country: Suède
Publication year: 2004
Target group(s): General public Language learners élèves Jeunes (en général)
Language(s): Swedish
Level(s): Lower secondary
Author(s): Cecilia Nihlén, Roger Persson, Kerstin Sundin
Model for learners aged 12 to 16


This model of the European Language Portfolio for use in primary schools in the Netherlands has now been superseded by the web-based portfolio model 89.2007 - see the dedicated website www.europeestaalportfolio.nl for more information (in English and Dutch only). For pupils in primary education the European Language Portfolio has the same structure as that for other types of schools. Therefore when a pupil changes to secondary education, by simply changing 'profile' all the information in the portfolio will be transferred. The ELP for primary education is different from that of the other school types. Its design has been made more attractive, with more colours, pictures and easier language. The can-do statements are illustrated by clear examples provided with extra explanations. This is more suitable for the target group. Under language progress, only two levels have been included for the five language skills: A1 and A2. Pupils at a primary school will normally not achieve levels beyond A2. If, in some individual cases, for instance immigrants, this happens the profile for secondary education can be used. The ELP for primary education can be used for foreign language education at all primary schools. It can be especially helpful in cases of intensive foreign language teaching, for example in dual language situations or early foreign language teaching.

Country: Pays-Bas
Publication year: 2002
Target group(s): Children General public Language learners élèves
Language(s): Dutch
Level(s): Primary
Author(s): Netherlands National Bureau for Modern Languages
Model for learners aged 9 to 12 years old


This model of the European Language Portfolio for use in secondary schools in the Netherlands has now been superseded by the web-based portfolio model 89.2007 - see the dedicated website www.europeestaalportfolio.nl for more information (in English and Dutch only). The European Language Portfolio for pupils in secondary education has the same structure as that for other education sectors. Therefore when a pupil switches over to higher education, by simply changing the profile all the information in the portfolio is transferred. The ELP for secondary education has examples listed for the can-do statements in the language progress which are relevant for the target group. The ELP for secondary education can be used in language learning for all schools for secondary education. It is best suited to a communicative, action-oriented language teaching, in which the development of language skills plays a central role. The ELP can also be used for more traditional forms of language teaching (focused on grammatical and lexical knowledge). This is because even in this situation the ultimate aim is the acquisition of language skills and a productive use of the target language (presentation, conversation, letter, report, summary etc.).

Country: Pays-Bas
Publication year: 2002
Target group(s): General public Language learners élèves Jeunes (en général)
Language(s): Dutch
Level(s): Lower secondary
Author(s): Netherlands National Bureau for Modern Languages
Model for learners aged 12 to 15


This model of the European Language Portfolio for use in secondary schools in the Netherlands has now been superseded by the web-based portfolio model 89.2007 - see the dedicated website www.europeestaalportfolio.nl for more information (in English and Dutch only). The European Language Portfolio for pupils in secondary education has the same structure as that for other education sectors. Therefore when a pupil switches over to higher education, by simply changing the profile all the information in the portfolio is transferred. The ELP for secondary education has examples listed for the can-do statements in the language progress which are relevant for the target group. The ELP for secondary education can be used in language learning for all schools for secondary education. It is best suited to a communicative, action-oriented language teaching, in which the development of language skills plays a central role. The ELP can also be used for more traditional forms of language teaching (focused on grammatical and lexical knowledge). This is because even in this situation the ultimate aim is the acquisition of language skills and a productive use of the target language (presentation, conversation, letter, report, summary etc.).

Country: Pays-Bas
Publication year: 2002
Target group(s): General public Language learners élèves Jeunes (en général)
Language(s): Dutch
Level(s): Upper secondary
Author(s): Netherlands National Bureau for Modern Languages
Model for learners aged 15+

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