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PROGRAMM DES EFSZ - Programm 2012-2015

Pluriliteralität im Sachfach für vertieftes Lernen

Pluriliteralität basiert auf Ansätzen zum integrierten Sprachen- und Fachlernen (CLIL). Pluriliteralität im Sachfach ermöglicht vertieftes fachliches Lernen und erfolgreiche Kommunikation von Fachwissen über sprachliche und kulturelle Grenzen hinweg. Dieser Ansatz fördert die Kreativität und das Verantwortungsbewusstsein junger Menschen in globalen Gesellschaften.


Training Events/Courses:

• TESOL 2014 EVO (Electronic Village Online) Course on CLIL.
Webinar presentation on February 13th

• INDIRE “Corso di Perfezionamento sul CLIL: 20CFU” (post-graduate level Professional 
Development Course sponsored by the National Teacher Training Agency: 20 Credits):
27 teachers
• Pedagogische Hochschule Wien (Vienna University College of Teacher Education): CLIL
July 24, 2013  CLIL teachers 150 participants,  Eichstaett  
September 27, 2013  CLIL teachers and teacher trainers,  Saarbrucken
October 2013,  presented preliminary model: ca. 25 teachers
November 27, 2013  ECML coordinators,  Graz
February 22, 2014  CLIL teacher and teacher trainers (150  participants ),  Freiberg
March 2014,  presented current model: ca. 50 teachers
June 3, 2014  Curriculum Designer,  Berlin


• British Council: CLIL Policy and Practice, Como March 10-13, 2014.

ca. 80 delegates representing Ministries of Education/Education Boards from 26 EU 
member states.

• GLO.C.L.I.L.2: Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice, Bari, October 23, 2013 
Workshop “CLIL: Transforming Upper Secondary Content Education”Presented preliminary model: ca. 120 teachers.
Sixth national CLIL conference ‘CLIL Broadens Your Horizons’  600 participants

Power point presentation



What to disseminate How to disseminate Whom to disseminate to
Report on current research on "literacy development through CLIL"
Use of CLIL 2.0 website to publish the Report / publication in scientific journal / presentation at international conference
(i) Academic Community -Researchers and teacher trainers
(ii) Professional Community
e.g.Professional Associations and Teacher Journals/CLIL network websites (e.g. CCN)
New construct based on distinction between BICS and CALP
(i)Academic: Publication inscientificjournal / presentation at conference / PhD theses
(ii)Professional: Using vodcasts and talking head interviews with participating teachers and their learners and teacher educators using Web 2.0 technologies
Researchers, teacher trainers and teachers
Tool Kit :new approach to literacy-led language teaching
Publication on Web; publication of information booklet; use of other web2.0 technologies (e.g. YouTube/Facebook) to disseminate the toolkit and the information leaflet.
Presentation to network partners at NW and participants at WS; presentation through team members' local teacher training workshops; presentation at conferences; development of materials based on this approach
Dissemination will be through a series of different channels depending on the targeted group e.g. Professional Associations, CLIL 2.0 website and its links to other sites, presence at conferences and academic/professional publications
Policy-makers and stakeholders;
Teachers and teacher trainers;


to the English website

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