Dunja Chamberlain, International School of Geneva, Geneva. ECML training and consultancy "Content and Language Integrated Learning - A pluriliteracies approach to teaching for learning" (CLIL): team member; network meeting (4-5 March 2019); network meeting (4-5 December 2017)
Jean-François De Pietro, Institut de recherche et de documentation pédagogique (IRDP), Neuchâtel. ECML training and consultancy "Plurilingual education – Plurilingual and intercultural competences: descriptors and teaching materials" (FREPA): team member; network meeting (1-2 March 2018); network meeting (27-29 March 2017); network meeting (28-29 January 2016)
Tobias Haug, University of Applied Sciences for Special Needs education, Zurich. ECML projects: - team member of the project "Promoting excellence in sign language instruction" (PRO-Sign2) (2016-2019) - mediation link person of the project "Towards a Common European Framework of Reference for Language Teachers"; network meeting (8-9 September 2016)
Michael Langner, University of Luxembourg et University of Fribourg. ECML training and consultancy: "Electronic European Language Portfolio - Working with an electronic European Language Portfolio for better language learning" (e-ELP) : team member; network meeting (14-15 February 2019)
Katja Schnitzer, Pädagogische Hochschule der Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz, Liestal. Training and consultancy Young migrants – Supporting multilingual classrooms" (cooperation agreement between the ECML and the European Commission "Innovative methodologies and assessment in language learning"): team member
Frédéric Taveau, International School of Geneva, Geneva. ECML training and consultancy "Content and Language Integrated Learning - A pluriliteracies approach to teaching for learning"(CLIL): team member; network meeting (4-5 March 2019); network meeting (4-5 December 2017); network meeting (31 May - 1st June 2016)
Jean-François de Pietro, Institut de recherche et de documentation pédagogique (IRDP), Neuchâtel. ECML project: team member of the project "A framework of reference for pluralistic approaches" (CARAP) (2008-2011)
Mirjam Egli Cuenat, Institut Fachdidaktik Sprachen, Pädagogische Hochschule des Kantons St. Gallen. ECML project: coordinator of the project "Mobility programmes for plurilingual and intercultural education – tools for language teachers" (PluriMobil) (2010-2011)
Christine Le Pape Racine, Pädagogische Hochschule FHNW, Mühledorf. ECML project: team member of the project "Good practice in Content and Language Integrated Learning for languages other than English" (CLIL-LOTE-GO) (2008-2011)
Rosanna Margonis-Pasinetti, Echallens. ECML project: team member of the project "The European Language Portfolio in whole-school use" (ELP-WSU) (2008-2011)
Martine Tchang-George, Zürich. ECML project: team member of the projects "Training teachers to use the European Language Portfolio - follow-up project" (ELP-TT2) (2008-2009) and "Training teachers to use the European Language Portfolio - follow-up project" (ELP-TT3) (2010-2011)
Anne-Claude Berthoud, Institut de linguistique et des sciences du langage-Université de Lausanne/Anthropole, Lausanne. ECML project: "Languages as an indicator of corporate quality" (LINCQ); expert meeting (22-24 February 2012)
Lukas Bleichenbacher, Pädagogische Hochschule des Kantons, St. Gallen. ECML project: "Plurilingual and intercultural learning through mobility – Practical resources for teachers and teacher trainers" (PluriMobil); expert meeting (1-2 September 2014); workshop (5-7 February 2014); network meeting (12-14 September 2012)
Jean-François De Pietro, Institut de recherche et de documentation pédagogique (IRDP), Neuchâtel. ECML project: "A framework of reference for pluralistic approaches to languages and cultures" (FREPA National Networks); expert meeting (20 December 2013); workshop (21-23 November 2012); expert meeting (26-27 January 2012)
Katharina Höchle Meier, Pädagogische Hochschule des Kantons, St. Gallen. ECML project: "Plurilingual and intercultural learning through mobility – Practical resources for teachers and teacher trainers" (PluriMobil); expert meeting (1-2 September 2014); workshop (5-7 February 2014); expert meeting (7-8 March 2013); network meeting (12-14 September 2012)
Jutta Wörle, Pädagogische Hochschule St. Gallen, Institut Fachdidaktik Sprachen (IFDS), St. Gallen. ECML project: "Plurilingual and intercultural learning through mobility – Practical resources for teachers and teacher trainers" (PluriMobil); workshop (5-7 February 2014)
Lukas Bleichenbacher, Institut Fachdidaktik Sprachen, Pädagogische Hochschule des Kantons St. Gallen. ECML project: "Mobility programmes for plurilingual and intercultural education – tools for language teachers" (PluriMobil) (2010-2011); workshop (22-24 March 2011); participant's workshop report
Barbara Wolfer, Coordinator of the Office for National and International Relations, Pädagogische Hochschule des Kantons St. Gallen. ECML project: "Mobility programmes for plurilingual and intercultural education – tools for language" teachers (PluriMobil) (2010-2011)
Frank Heyworth, ECML Programme Consultant, Pully. ECML projects: - "Action research communities for language teachers" (ARC) (2016-2018) - "Language for work – Tools for professional development" (2016-2019) - "A quality assurance matrix for CEFR use" (CEFR-QualiMatrix) (2016-2018) - "Promoting excellence in sign language instruction" (PRO-Sign2) (2016-2019) - "Inspiring language learning in the early years: Why it matters and what it looks like for children aged 3-12 years" (2017-2019)
2020-2023 - INSPIRING INNOVATION IN LANGUAGE EDUCATION: CHANGING CONTEXTS, EVOLVING COMPETENCES Claudia Bartholemy, Université de Lausanne. ECML project: "CLIL in languages other than English – Successful transitions across educational stages" (network meeting 8-9 June 2021). Silvia Frank Schmid, Pädagogische Hochschule Luzern (Teacher Education University Lucerne). ECML project: “Young children’s language learning pathways: Making early language learning visible" (workshop 15-16 March 2023), participant´s report; Maria Lurdes Gonçalves, Ensino Português no Estrangeiro (EPE). ECML project: "Mediation in teaching, learning and assessment" (network meeting 9-10 November 2020). Ines Honegger Wiedenmayer, Gymnasium Kirchenfeld. ECML project: "Building blocks for planning language-sensitive teacher education" (workshop 14-15 February 2023), participant's repport. Daniela Kappler, Dipartimento Formazione e Apprendimento – Scuola universitaria della Svizzera Italiana (SUPSI-DFA). ECML project: "CLIL in languages other than English – Successful transitions across educational stages" (workshop 16-17 November 2022), participant's report. Karine Lichtenauer, Secrétariat général de la Conférence suisse des directeurs cantonaux de l'instruction publique (CDIP). ECML project: “Developing teacher competences for pluralistic approaches” (workshop 28-29 September 2021), participant's report. Sylvia Nadig, Pädagogische Hochschule Zug. ECML Summer academy (3-7 July 2023), participant's report. Gabriela Ochsner Jannibelli, Zurich University. ECML Summer academy (3-7 July 2023), participant's report. Véronique Sulser, Service de l'Einsegnement et de l'Education. ECML project: “Digital citizenship through language education” (workshop 4-5 November 2021), participant's report.
Véronique Buffat, ECLF, Bern. ECML project: "Developing language awareness in subject classes"; network meeting (18-19 October 2018); participant's report
Frank Heyworth, ECML Programme Consultant, Pully. ECML think tank: “Early language learning”; team member (1-2 December 2016)
Evamaria Brigitta Kaiser, Primary School Gutschick, Winterthur. ECML project: "Digital literacy for the teaching and learning of languages"; workshop (10-11 October 2017); participant’s report
Stefano Andrea Losa, University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland, Department of Education and Learning (SUPSI-DFA), Competence centre for languages and studies on plurilingualism (CLIP), Locarno. ECML project: "Language for work – Tools for professional development"; workshop (23-24 October 2018)
Clemens Pachlatko, School Aemtler, Zurich. ECML project: "A roadmap for schools to support the language(s) of schooling"; network meeting (22-23 November 2017); participant's report
Christian Sinn, Pädagogische Hochschule, St. Gallen. ECML project: "A roadmap for schools to support the language(s) of schooling"; workshop (15-16 November 2018); participant's report
Natalie-Ann von Moos-Schneider, Fachoschule Nordwestschweiz, Olten. ECML think tank: “Early language learning” (1-2 December 2016)
Enikő Zala-Mező, Centre for School Improvement, Zurich University of Teacher Education, Zurich. ECML project: "A roadmap for schools to support the language(s) of schooling"; network meeting (22-23 November 2017)
Claudia Bartholemy, HEP Lausanne, UER Langues et cultures, Lausanne. ECML project: "Content and Language Integrated Learning – A pluriliteracies approach to teaching for learning" (CLIL); workshop (2-3 June 2015); participant's report
Domenico Bellavita, HEP-BEJUNE, Sonceboz. ECML project: "European portfolio for pre-primary educators – The plurilingual and intercultural dimension" (PEPELINO); network meeting (5-6 November 2014); participant's report; workshop (12-13 December 2013); participant's report
Virginie Borel, Forum du bilinguisme, Biel/Bienne. ECML project: "Languages as an indicator of corporate quality" (LINCQ); workshop (21-22 November 2013); participant's report
Vivan Boson, SGB-FSS Kontaktstelle, Lausanne. ECML project: “Sign languages and the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages – Descriptors and approaches to assessment” (PRO-Sign); network meeting (12-13 March 2015)
Dominique Chételat, Conférence suisse des directeurs cantonaux de l'instruction publique (CDIP), Bern, ECML activity: workshop for ECML National Contact Points and National Nominating Authorities (12-13 June 2014)
Brigitte Daiss-Klang, Sign language competence centre, Zürich. ECML project: “Sign languages and the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages – Descriptors and approaches to assessment” (PRO-Sign); network meeting (12-13 March 2015)
Laurent Filliettaz, Université de Genève, Genève. ECML project: "A European learning network for professionals supporting work‐related second language development" (Language for Work); workshop (24-25 June 2015)
Brigitte Gerber, Université de Genève, Institut universitaire de formation des enseignants (IUFE), Genève. ECML project: "A framework of reference for pluralistic approaches to languages and cultures" (FREPA National Networks); expert meeting (27-28 June 2013); workshop (21-23 November 2012); network meeting (31 May -1 June 2012)
Patricia Hermann-Shores, Interkantonale Hochschule für Heilpädagogik, Zürich. - ECML project: "Sign languages and the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages – Descriptors and approaches to assessment" (PRO-Sign); workshop (15-17 April 2013); participant's report - Articles: - Shores, Patty / Martens-Wagner, Julia / Kollien, Simon, "Zwei Veranstaltungen im Rahmen des PRO-Sign-Projektes in Graz, Österreich", Beitrag aus: DAS ZEICHEN 94/2013, Zeitschrift für Sprache und Kultur Gehörloser, in Schauplätze, 2013, pp. 330-333. - Shores, Patty / Daiss-Klang, Brigitte / Pangri, Janja / Adaptation rédactionnelle: Martina Raschle (traduction: Daisy Maglia), photos: Julia Martens-Wagner, Silva Duka, Fais-moi signe, Octobre/Novembre 2013. [French version] - Shores, Patty / Daiss-Klang, Brigitte / Pangri, Janja / Überarbeitung: Martina Raschle, Fotos: Julia Martens-Wagner, Silva Duka, Visuell Plus, Oktober/November 2013. [German version] - Shores, Patty / Daiss-Klang, Brigitte / Pangri, Janja / Rielaborazione: Martina Raschle; traduzione: Emilia Penella; Foto: Julia Martens-Wagner, Silva Duka, Segni amo, Ottobre/Novembre 2013. [Italian version]
Reto Hunkeler, Pädagogischen Hochschule St. Gallen, St. Gallen. ECML projects: - "Towards whole-school language curricula – Examples of practice in schools" (PlurCur); workshop (7-8 May 2015) - "Empowering language networks – Tools for mediating ECML resources" (LACS); workshop (22-23 May 2014)
Daniela Kappler, University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI), Department of Teaching and Learning (DFA), Locarno. ECML project: "ECML publications for plurilingual and intercultural education in use" (PIU); workshop (26-28 March 2014)
Renata Leimer, Centre suisse de formation continue des professeurs de l´enseignement secondaire, Bern. ECML project: "Plurilingual and intercultural learning through mobility – Practical resources for teachers and teacher trainers" (PluriMobil); workshop (5-7 February 2014)
Béatrice Leonforte, Ufficio insegnamento medio, Bellinzona. ECML projects: - "Towards whole-school language curricula – Examples of practice in schools" (PlurCur); workshop (7-8 May 2015); participant's report - "A framework of reference for pluralistic approaches to languages and cultures" (FREPA National Networks); workshop (21-23 November 2012)
Fabio Leoni, Inspecteur scolaire école primaire, Lugano. ECML project: "Involving parents in plurilingual and intercultural education" (CARAP for parents); workshop (28-30 April 2014)
Rosanna Margonis-Pasinetti, (e-mail 1, e-mail 2), Haute école pédagogique du Canton de Vaud, Lausanne. ECML project: "Towards whole-school language curricula – Examples of practice in schools" (PlurCur); workshop (7-8 May 2015)
Christine Muller-Tragin, University of Teacher Education, Basel. ECML project: "Plurilingual and intercultural learning through mobility – Practical resources for teachers and teacher trainers" (PluriMobil); workshop (5-7 February 2014); participant's report
Selin Öndül Talegon, City of Zürich, Department of Education and Sport, Zürich. ECML project: "Collaborative community approach to migrant education – A virtual open course for educators"; workshop (25-27 June 2014); participant's report
Regula Rohner, Pädagogische Hochschule Chur, Chur. ECML project: "Towards whole-school language curricula – Examples of practice in schools" (PlurCur); workshop (7-8 May 2015)
Bojana Ruggia, Pädagogische Hochschule Chur. ECML project: "Towards whole-school language curricula – Examples of practice in schools" (PlurCur); workshop (7-8 May 2015)
Rolf Schärer, Educational consultant, Kilchberg. ECML project: "Languages as an indicator of corporate quality" (LINCQ); workshop (21-22 November 2013)
Daniel Stotz, Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich, Zürich. ECML project: "Content and Language Integrated Learning – A pluriliteracies approach to teaching for learning" (CLIL); workshop (2-3 June 2015); participant's report
Frédéric Taveau, Geneva. ECML project: "Content and Language Integrated Learning – A pluriliteracies approach to teaching for learning" (CLIL); network meeting (17-18 June 2014); participant's report
Ariane Tonon, Haute Ecole Pédagogique, Berne-Jura- Neuchâtel. ECML training and consultancy "Plurilingual and intercultural competences: Descriptors and teaching materials" (FREPA); network meeting (18-19 December 2013)
Marie-Hélène Tramer-Rudolphe, SUPSI DFA/Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana, Dipartimento Formazione e Apprendimento di Locarno, Collina d’Oro. ECML project: "European portfolio for pre-primary educators – The plurilingual and intercultural dimension" (PEPELINO); workshop (12-13 December 2013); participant's report
Jutta Wörle, Pädagogische Hochschule St. Gallen, Institut Fachdidaktik Sprachen (IFDS), St. Gallen. ECML project: "European portfolio for pre-primary educators – The plurilingual and intercultural dimension" (PEPELINO); network meeting (5-6 November 2014); participant's report; workshop (12-13 December 2013)
Brigitte Gerber, University of Geneva. ECML projects: - "Encouraging the culture of evaluation among professionals" (ECEP) (2008-2011); workshop (18-19 June 2009); participant’s workshop report - "A framework of reference for pluralistic approaches" (CARAP) (2008-2011); workshop (23-25 February 2011); participant’s workshop report
Claudine Balsiger, Haute école pédagogique du canton de Vaud, Lausanne. ECML project: "A framework of reference for pluralistic approaches" (CARAP) (2008-2011); network meeting (30 September-1 October 2010)
Astrid Bapst-Küng, Zollikofen. ECML project: "Exploring cutting edge applications of networked technologies in Vocationally Oriented Language Learning" (E-VOLLution) (2008-2009); workshop (26-28 February 2009); participant’s workshop report (pending)
Claudia Bartholemy, UER Langues et cultures, HEP Lausanne, Lausanne. ECML project: "Content-based modern language teaching for young learners" (EPLC) (2008-2011); workshop (5-7 November 2009); participant's workshop report (pending)
Daniela Isabel Dias Virgilio, Conférence suisse des directeurs cantonaux de l'instruction publique (CDIP), Bern. ECML project: "The European Language Portfolio in whole-school use" (ELP-WSU) (2008-2011); workshop (19-20 May 2011); participant’s workshop report
Margaret Jane Einhorn, English Lecturer, HTI-Bienne. ECML project: "Developing online teaching skills" (DOTS) (2008-2011); workshop (10-11 March 2011); participant's workshop report
Silvia Fankhauser, DIP Berne, Section Recherche, évaluation et planification pédagogique" (SREP), Tramelan. ECML project: "The European Language Portfolio in whole-school use" (ELP-WSU) (2008-2011); workshop (19-20 May 2011); participant’s workshop report
Frank Heyworth, Pully. ECML project: "Minority languages, collateral languages and bi-/plurilingual education" (EBP-ICI) (2008-2011); network meeting (18-19 May 2010)
Marlies Keller Lee, Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich, Fachbereich Französisch. ECML project: "Training teachers to use the European Language Portfolio - follow-up project" (ELP-TT3) (2010-2011); network meeting (23-24 September 2010)
Michael Langner, Fakultät für Sprachwissenschaften und Literatur, Geisteswissenschaften, Kunst und Erziehungswissenschaften Universität Luxemburg. ECML project: "Training teachers to use the European Language Portfolio - follow-up project" (ELP-TT3) (2010-2011); network meeting (23-24 September 2010)
Laura Loder Büchel, Rafz. ECML project: "Developing online teaching skills" (DOTS) (2008-2011); workshop (4-5 December 2008); participant’s workshop report
Emmanuelle Olivier, Haute Ecole Pédagogique de Zoug. ECML project: "Classroom assessment related to the Common European Framework of Reference" (ClassRelEx) (2010-2011); workshop (24-26 November 2010)
Eric Sauvin, Nordwestschweiz, Pädagogische Hochschule ECML project: "A framework of reference for pluralistic approaches to languages and cultures" (FREPA National Networks); network meeting (31 May -1 June 2012)
Sabina Schaffner, Director Sprachenzentrum Universität und ETH Zürich. ECML project: "Encouraging the culture of evaluation among professionals" (ECEP) (2008-2011); workshop (18-19 June 2009); participant’s workshop report
Christoph Suter, Pädagogische Hochschule, Zürich. ECML project: "Content based teaching + plurilingual/ cultural awareness" (CONBAT+) (2008-2011): workshop (24-26 September 2008); network meeting (24-25 June 2010)
Barbara Tscharner, Haute école pédagogique fribourgeoise. ECML project: "Minority languages, collateral languages and bi-/plurilingual education" (EBP-ICI) (2008-2011); workshop (16-18 February 2011); participant’s workshop report (pending)
Ingo Thonhauser, Lausanne. ECML project: "Assessment of young learner literacy linked to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages" (AYLLit) (2008-2011); workshop (9-10 September 2010); participant’s workshop report