Tuesday 7 November 2023, 09:00 -12:30 (CET - Graz time)
ECML livestream “Strengthening support for regional and minority languages within a plurilingual context”
English: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LE-4nu2BcLA
French: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=quonz1QhqPk
With over 200 indigenous languages in Europe, as well as many languages brought to the continent through immigration, many regional and minority languages (RMLs) find themselves in competition with Europe’s more dominant and economically powerful languages. When a language ceases to be used by all generations and in all aspects of life and instead becomes limited to certain age groups and/or certain domains of society – there is a danger that it enters a spiral of decline which can eventually lead to extinction.
This event will look at examples relating to the promotion of regional and minority languages from around Europe. A series of short presentations will focus specifically on educational practice in contexts where regional and minority languages (RMLs) are prevalent and are part of the curriculum and/or a language of schooling.These will cover a wide range of languages, locations and educational settings and will highlight examples of practice which are potentially transferable/adaptable to other contexts.
The presentations will address the following issues.
- Implementation of the Council of Europe’s Romani-Plurilingual Policy Experimentation (Slovakia)
- Promoting the Romansh language to different target groups (Switzerland)
- Policy and innovative practice in teaching Walloon language (Belgium)
- RMLs within the public education system in France
- Curriculum, examinations, and assessment for RMLs in Norway - challenges and solutions
- How ECML publications can be used in promoting RMLs
- Innovative teaching practices to foster student motivation in the Basque and Friulian contexts
- Minority education regulation in Slovenia with best practices from the bilingual area of Prekmurje
The event will also look at the further support required by the professional community in this area.
Target audience: Language education professionals working with regional and minority languages at any educational level and Educational administrators /policy makers who are involved with RMLs in national education systems
This event is organised within the framework of the European Centre for Modern Languages’ 2023 cooperation action with the European Commission. It will involve representatives from the 38 member states of the ECML and the European Union, as well as key networks and associations active in the area of RMLs.
Languages: The event will be streamed in English and French
Website: www.ecml.at/rmlcolloquium
Programme: See full programme of the colloquium (NB: the morning session only will be livestreamed)