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Online catalogue


The online catalogue provides bibliographical notes on the John L.M. Trim Collection of the European Centre for Modern Languages (Graz). The collection includes 2437 monographies and recordings in the field of teacher education, linguistics, psychology, psycholinguistics, sociology, sociolinguistics, translation, language education, modern language teaching and learning, learner-centered teaching, the language teacher, languages for specific purposes, language education and technology, and didactic materials.

Catalogue access and documentary tools

Cataloguing at the Council of Europe (including at the ECML) is based on the MARC format, AACR standards and the CERES thesaurus (Council of Europe Retrieval System).

Access the Council of Europe online catalogue 

Search criteria

Searches can be limited to the John L.M. Trim collection: in the library field, choose to search the "John Trim Collection (ECML)".

Searches can be extended to other online Council of Europe libraries: in the library field, choose to search the relevant library/libraries in the shared catalogue.

Searches can be made according to the following criteria: author, title, subject, language, year of publication, format, ISBN or ISSN, document reference, document type, location.

Thesaurus and classmarks
To optimise your search, use the subject headings and keywords in the CERES thesaurus or ECML classmarks.
Classification system, subject headings and keywords used by the ECML for the John Trim collection.
Thematic bibliographies of the John Trim book collection

Professional tools for documentalists and librarians: