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ECML training in Greece: language development, new teaching perspectives, career prospects through mobility
Date: 6-7 December 2018
Venue: Directorate of primary education, Chania, Crete, Greece
Local coordinator: Athina Ntoulia, School advisor of primary schools teachers
ECML trainers: Kristin Brogan, Ireland; Anna Czura, Poland
Participants: 52 teachers of primary, teachers of arts, music and languages, school directors, counselors and school advisors
Plurimobil has opened up perspectives and pointed out other paths of knowledge in the sensitive issue of language development. It also offers career prospects through detailed and thorough programme updates. Both the programmes and the people working in them are highly trained, communicative, courteous and open to collaborations and sharing their views. The programme expanded the participants' horizons and offered new perspectives in their teaching. The expression of their pleasure from their participation has been a source of feedback for us.
The ECML is an organisation with well-designed programmes that respond to the pulse and needs of the era; they are flexible, methodical, functional and are addressed in a simple, understandable way. They take into account the principles of pedagogy and psychology as shown by the programmes and they respect the rights of all. The values that inspire the programmes are essential and universal and they find the acceptance of all.
We strongly recommend participating in ECML programmes. As project coordinator, I had the opportunity to work together flawlessly with some of the ECML team. I was impressed by the friendliness, courtesy, organisation and co-ordination of everyone. I felt like I belonged to a large family. A big thank you to all and especially to Kristin Brogan, Anna Czura, Erika Komon and Margit Huber!
Athina Ntoulia, local organiser
- General information on the training and consultancy services offered by the ECML to its member states- "Multilingual and intercultural learning through mobility (PluriMobil)": English - French
Greek version
Το Plurimobil μας άνοιξε προοπτικές και υπέδειξε κι άλλους δρόμους γνώσεων στο ευαίσθητο θέμα της ανάπτυξης γλωσσών .Επίσης προσφέρει προοπτικές επαγγελματικής ανάπτυξης μέσα από τη λεπτομερή και διεξοδική ενημέρωση των προγραμμάτων. Τόσο τα προγράμματα όσο και οι άνθρωποι που δουλεύουν σε αυτά είναι πολύ καταρτισμένοι, επικοινωνιακοί, ευγενικοί και ανοικτοί σε συνεργασίες και διαμοιρασμό απόψεων. Το πρόγραμμα διεύρυνε τους ορίζοντες των συμμετεχόντων και πρόσφερε νέες προοπτικές στη διδασκαλία τους . Η έκφραση της ευαρέσκειάς τους από τη συμμετοχή τους υπήρξε για μας πηγή ανατροφοδότησης.
Το ECML αποτελεί έναν οργανισμό με πολύ καλά σχεδιασμένα προγράμματα που αγγίζουν τον παλμό και τις ανάγκες της εποχής, είναι ευέλικτα, μεθοδικά, λειτουργικά και απευθύνονται με τρόπο απλό , κατανοητό σε όλους. Λαμβάνουν υπόψη αρχές της Παιδαγωγικής αλλά και της Ψυχολογίας όπως φάνηκε από τα προγράμματα και σέβονται τα δικαιώματα όλων. Οι αξίες που διαπνέουν τα προγράμματα είναι ουσιαστικές και πανανθρώπινες και βρίσκουν την αποδοχή όλων .
Συστήνουμε ανεπιφύλακτα τη συμμετοχή σε προγράμματα του ECML. Ως συντονίστρια του προγράμματος είχα την ευκαιρία να συνεργαστώ άψογα με κάποιους από την ομάδα του ECML. Εντυπωσιάστηκα από την φιλικότητα, την ευγένεια, την οργάνωση και τη μεθοδικότητα του φορέα. Ένιωσα σαν να ανήκα σε μια μεγάλη οικογένεια . Ένα μεγάλο ευχαριστώ σε όλους και ιδιαίτερα στις Kristin Brogan, Anna Czura, Erika Komon and Margit Huber!
Athina Ntoulia, local organiser
ECML Training and consultancy offers for 2019 – "Plurilingual and intercultural learning through mobility (PluriMobil): apply until 4 November 2018!
Are you a teacher, teacher trainer or international officer and do you wish to maximise the learning potential of your mobility programmes and activities?
Mobility | Plurilingual and intercultural learning through mobility (PluriMobil)
This offer provides:
- Familiarisation with PluriMobil resources: quick start guide - handbook - lesson plans - learning scenarios - examples of good practice
- Development of customised mobility learning scenarios (stages before, during, and after the mobility activity) and mobility portfolios.
ECML experts in language education work with national authorities and local experts to devise and implement in-country activities, tailored to the particular context and target audience.
If you are looking for input for an in-service training to develop the professional skills of language educators or are in need of consultancy to advance local, regional or national reform processes and to meet international standards, take a closer look at what the ECML has on offer.
Information on offers and the 2019 request form are available online
Requests for a training and consultancy activity must be submitted via the national ECML representative in the Governing Board. Educational professionals interested in organising a particular activity should therefore contact their national representative.
Deadline for submission of requests by the ECML Governing Board member: 4 November 2018.
ECML training and consultancy offers for 2019 – Apply now!
Are you looking for input for an in-service training to develop the professional skills of language educators? Or are you in need of consultancy to advance local, regional or national reform processes and to meet international standards? Then take a closer look at what the ECML has on offer.
ECML experts in language education work with national authorities and local experts to devise and implement in-country activities, tailored to the particular context and target audience.
Information on offers and the 2019 request form are available online:
Requests for a training and consultancy activity must be submitted until 4 November 2018 via the national ECML representative in the Governing Board.
Educational professionals interested in organising a particular activity should therefore contact their national representative.
ECML Training and consultancy offers for 2019 – "Plurilingual and intercultural learning through mobility (PluriMobil): apply until 4 November 2018!
Are you a teacher, teacher trainer or international officer and do you wish to maximise the learning potential of your mobility programmes and activities?
Mobility | Plurilingual and intercultural learning through mobility (PluriMobil)
This offer provides:
- Familiarisation with PluriMobil resources: quick start guide - handbook - lesson plans - learning scenarios - examples of good practice
- Development of customised mobility learning scenarios (stages before, during, and after the mobility activity) and mobility portfolios.
ECML experts in language education work with national authorities and local experts to devise and implement in-country activities, tailored to the particular context and target audience.
If you are looking for input for an in-service training to develop the professional skills of language educators or are in need of consultancy to advance local, regional or national reform processes and to meet international standards, take a closer look at what the ECML has on offer.
Information on offers and the 2019 request form are available online
Requests for a training and consultancy activity must be submitted via the national ECML representative in the Governing Board. Educational professionals interested in organising a particular activity should therefore contact their national representative.
Deadline for submission of requests by the ECML Governing Board member: 4 November 2018.
Training day: talking about “PluriMobil” for supporting mobility (3 November 2017, Fribourg, Switzerland)
Date: 3 November 2017
Venue: Fribourg, Switzerland
Local organiser: Haute Ecole pédagogique (HEP) of Fribourg, Switzerland; Foreign Languages Working Group, HEP Chamber of Swiss universities
Participants: 37 foreign language specialists in didactics, cantonal authorities with responsibility for student/teacher mobility, national mobility agency Movetia
The training day was focused on the ECML PluriMobil resources and was aimed at teacher trainers, specialists in didactics and institutional actors involved in mobility programmes. The event was designed to familiarise participants with the PluriMobil tool and the possibilities it offers for ensuring pedagogically sound mobility exchanges which integrate the experience of the participants and highlight intercultural communication. In addition, the event provided an opportunity for face-to-face exchange and networking to discuss the implementation of effective pedagogy related to mobility.
PluriMobil's learning scenarios formed the basis for putting work on language, social and intercultural competences into practice – from primary to secondary schools, vocational training and teacher education at tertiary level – in order to support potential implementation in the specific contexts of each participant, and to consider and initiate their development. The programme also enabled an exchange of existing mobility teaching practices.
Barbara Tscharner
HEP Professor in foreign language didactics and plurilingualism
- General information on the training and consultancy services offered by the ECML to its member states- "Multilingual and intercultural learning through mobility (PluriMobil)": English - French
Training and consultancy for Austria: PluriMobil workshop (Graz, 20-21 November 2017)
Venue: European Centre for Modern Languages, Nikolaiplatz 4, 8020 Graz
Local organiser: Andrea Kasper. Landesschulrat Steiermark / Styrian Educational Board
Participants: 17 Secondary high school language teachers
The PluriMobil workshop offered a wide range of very useful ‘hands-on’ materials and lesson plans for teachers who organise language study trips and students exchanges. The specific focus on what unites people from different countries rather than what separates them is a key factor which makes such a trip for all students more enriching - not only from a language perspective, but also in the sense of mutual understanding in a multicultural society across borders.
Sometimes parents are unwilling to spend money on language study trips, fearing that they are little more than a holiday and therefore the outcome is likely to be unsatisfactory. With the methods presented during the PluriMobil workshop, teachers are given lot of material to help convince reluctant parents of the significant and long lasting impact of such trips, provided that they have been thoroughly planned and organised beforehand.
Especially in times where scepticism and apprehension of the unknown is steadily rising, the PluriMobil workshop offers an excellent opportunity to support teachers in broadening students’ minds on the one hand, and to help improve their language skills by using tried and tested materials.
Andrea Kasper, Landesschulrat Steiermark
- ECML training and consultancy services for member states - "Plurilingual and intercultural learning through mobility (PluriMobil)": English - French
[German version]
Trainings- und Beratungsangebot des EFSZ für Österreich: PluriMobil-Workshop (Graz, 20.-21.11. 2017)
Veranstaltungsort: Europäisches Fremdsprachenzentrum, Nikolaiplatz 4, 8020 Graz
Lokaler Veranstalter: Frau Mag. Andrea Kasper, Landesschulrat Steiermark
TeilnehmerInnen: 17 Secondary high school language teachers
Der PluriMobil-Workshop bietet FremdsprachenlehrerInnen eine breite Palette an nützlichen Materialien und Unterrichtskonzepten, welche für jeden Sprachaufenthalt bzw. Schüleraustausch verwendet werden können. Besonders der Fokus darauf, was Menschen aus unterschiedlichen Nationen eher verbindet als trennt, ist ein entscheidender Faktor für ein gegenseitiges Verständnis und macht so einen Sprachaufenthalt für alle SchülerInnen zu einem wichtigen Erlebnis, nicht nur auf sprachlicher Ebene.
Manchmal sind Eltern und Erziehungsberechtigte nicht mehr bereit einen Sprachaufenthalt zu finanzieren, weil sie der Meinung sind, dass das Ergebnis nicht besonders ertragreich sei und eher einer Ferienwoche gleiche. Mit all den Methoden, die im PluriMobil-Workshop präsentiert werden, können LehrerInnen solche Eltern auch vom Gegenteil überzeugen, vorausgesetzt natürlich, der Aufenthalt wurde genau geplant und durchgeführt.
Besonders in unserer Zeit, in der Skepsis und Angst gegenüber dem Fremden stetig steigt, ist der PluriMobil-Workshop eine exzellente Gelegenheit, die FremdsprachenlehrerInnen in der Arbeit mit den SchülerInnen sowohl in sprachlicher als auch in interkultureller Hinsicht mittels zahlreicher bewährter Materialien zu unterstützen.
Andrea Kasper, Landesschulrat Steiermark
- Allgemeine Informationen zum Trainings- und Beratungsangebot des EFSZ für Mitgliedsstaaten: "Plurilingual and intercultural learning through mobility (PluriMobil)": auf Englisch - auf Französisch
ECML training workshop "Plurilingual and intercultural learning through mobility" (10-11 October 2017, Yerevan Brusov State University of Languages and Social Sciences, Armenia)
The promotion of various mobility and exchange programmes is one of the priorities of schools, vocational and tertiary educational institutions in Armenia, which is targeted at improving the foreign language skills, development of transversal skills to live and work in a multicultural environment which is in line with the global changes and challenges.
The training workshop "Plurilingual and intercultural learning through mobility" was organised for the school and university language teachers, student teachers, language teacher volunteers to train them to prepare the learners for activities before, during and after mobility projects and to increase the quality assurance and capacities of institutions in internationalization.
The intercultural, personal and other skills which are relevant for preparing the learners for active participation in mobility programmes may be developed through different tools and methods which are elaborated within such projects as the European Language Portfolio, the Autobiography of Language Encounters, the European Portfolio for Language Teacher Students. The workshop participants used various tools to develop lesson plans which were based on different language scenarios. The language plans were introduced to the participants and discussed by other participants as well as the experts.
The ECML experts Kristin Brogan and Anna Czura with their broad experience guided the participants towards acquiring new skills to prepare the learners for mobility experiences and ensure the improvement of educational and professional potential of the participants to the full.
Lusine Fljyan, local coordinator of the event
Շարժունության և փոխանակման ծրագրերի խթանումը համարվում է ՀՀ դպրոցների,միջին մասնագիտական և բարձրագույն ուսումնական հաստատությունների առաջնայնություններից մեկը, որը միտված է խթանել սովորողների օտար լեզուների հմտությունների զարգացումը և բարելավումը, որը հնարավորություն է տալիս արձագանքել ժամանակակից գլոբալ մարտահրավերներին և փոփոխություններին:
«Միջմշակութային և բազմալեզու կրթությունը շարժունության միջոցով միջազգային սեմինար-վերապատրաստման կազմակերպումը և իրականացումը կնպաստի սովորողների շարժունության ծրագրերի մեջ ակտիվ մասնակցությանը շարժունության տարբեր փուլերում՝ մինչև շարժունությունը, շարժունության ընթացքում և շարժունության ծրագրից հետո:
Սովորողների միջմշակութային և բազմալեզու կարողությունների ձևավորումը կարևորագույն գործիք է ուսումնական հաստատությունների որակի բարձրացման, ուսումնական հաստատությունների միջազգայնացման ցուցանիշների բարելավման բարձրացման համար:
Միջմշակութային, անձնական և շարժունության ծրագրի մեջ ակտիվ մասնակցության համար անհրաժեշտ այլ կարողությունների ձևավորման համար կարող են օգտագործվել բազմաթիվ այլ ծրագրերի շրջանկներում մշակված ձևաչափեր և մեթոդներ, մասնավորապես Եվրոպական լեզվական թղթապանակը, Միջմշակութային առընչությունների ինքնակենսագրությունը, Լեզուների և մշակույթների հանդեպ բազմակարծիք մոտեցումների շրջանակ, Մանկավարժ ուսուցիչների լեզուների եվրոպական թղթապանակը և այլն, որոնք ինտեգրելով լեզուների դասավանդման գործընթացում, կարելի է ապահովել վերոգրայալ կարողությունների զարգացման արդյունավետ գործընթաց: Նշված գործիքները սեմինարների մասնակիցները կիրառեցին դասի պլան պատրաստելու նպատակով, որոնք հիմնված էին տարաբնույթ ուսուցման սցենարների վրա: Դասի պլանները ներկայացվեցին և մանրամասնորեն քննարկվեցին սեմինար-վերապատրաստման մասնակիցների և փորձագետների կողմից: ԺԼԵԿ-ի փորձագետներ Քրիստին Բրոգանը/Իռլանդիա/ և Աննա Զուրան/Լեհաստան/ փոխանցեցից մասնակիցներին իրենց փորձը, թե ինչպես պատրաստել սովորողներին տարբեր շարժունության ծրագրերին, ինչպես նաև նպաստեցին նրնաց կրթական և մասնագիտական մակարդակի բարձրացմանը:
Plurimobil: Language Stay 2.0 - Supporting qualitative and sustainable language courses abroad (Li-Lingua)
The Erasmus+ project entitled "Language Stay 2.0 - Supporting qualitative and sustainable language courses abroad (Li-Lingua)", carried out by the Office of Education of the Principality of Liechtenstein (Schulamt des Fürstentums Liechtenstein) with the involvement of the European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML) of the Council of Europe, has been successfully completed. The aim was to make a significant contribution to the promotion of the international dimension in school education in Liechtenstein by promoting sustainable and more efficient learning in language stays of pupils. The ECML was represented as a partner in the initiative by Mirjam Egli-Cuenat and Katharina Höchle-Maier who accompanied and supported the exchange programme. Following its completion the initiative was noted as a model of good practice by the external evaluator.
This initiative was based on the results of the ECML’s "Plurilingual and intercultural learning through mobility" (Plurimobil) project. The project has been conducted at the Liechtenstein Gymnasium using the Plurimobil tools within a pilot language stay, involving 109 pupils and 5 teachers. It has helped provide an insight into the experiences of pupils and institutions in using the Plurimobil instruments so that they can be best be adapted to at institutional and classroom level. Plurimobil has proved to be a valuable instrument in order to guide teachers within the framework of their mobility activities and for learners during a language stay, contributing to a more efficient and conscious learning experience.
The Plurimobil teaching tools developed by the European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML) offer activities and materials to support the plurilingual and intercultural learning of students for the phases before, during and after a mobility activity. The tools can be adapted to multiple mobility projects across all educational levels. The dedicated ECML website provides a set of practical training tools to plan mobility activities. Plurimobil consists of
- a handbook explaining why it is necessary to support learning mobility and demonstrating how to use lesson plans in different types of school;
- a concise instruction manual for teachers and teacher trainers who use Plurimobil for the first time; and
- 5 sets of lesson plans designed for 5 levels of education – primary school, lower secondary school, upper secondary school (general education and vocational education) and teacher training – providing an array of practical activities and ready-made resources that will help teachers and teacher trainers prepare their students for participation in a mobility activity and guide them through it.
Summary of the key recommendations from the Li-Lingua project
Pedagogical and didactical level:
- Motivation is a decisive factor for both teachers and students for working successfully with the Plurimobil tools.
- Take account of the evaluation of the language stays in any future implementation of the LG-Plurimobil-Toolbox, e.g. the transfer of know-how.
- In case of a reimplementation it could be a possible option to separate the training with the Plurimobil tools from the regular school activities and offer it as advanced training instead. For this, sufficient time resources must be made available to all involved persons.
- When adapting tools take into consideration the lesson plans of the teachers as far as possible in order to reduce their expenditure of time and to ensure a higher degree of identification with the adapted tools.
- Considering that teachers’ individual approaches can differ greatly with regard to intercultural learning – which has an effect on how they use the Plurimobil Toolbox, create a more solid basis by means of reflexive training in advance.
- Consider using the portfolio in digital form which could better motivate students, and allow them to be more creative and to illustrate their experiences and adventures with photos and other pictures.
- The French teachers and the English teachers should discuss whether and in what form the portfolio should be used in future language stays and which assignments they want to use (avoid repeating assignments!). Possibly create a bilingual issue (English and French) of the portfolio with a pool of assignments on various aspects of language and intercultural learning containing compulsory and optional assignments.
- Focus on the portfolio during the lessons; allow extra time to students for their portfolio assignments to work on these at school.
- Strengthen the role of the group leaders in their pedagogical and didactical support during their leisure time and in the context of the host families, e.g. they could act as a moderator for the Plurimobil tools.
- Use the existing network which was reinforced by the project at hand to support future language stays.
- Expand the project framework to further countries (e.g. Spain and Italy) in possible follow-up projects.
Li-Lingua resources
- The final report and all relevant documents are published for your use on the project website: (incl. Plurimobil toolbox, analysis and recommendations, dissemination plan, dissemination activity protocol)
- Li-Lingua: Analysis and recommendations: English version (PDF) – German version (PDF)
ECML resources
Modern Languages Week in France: 15 - 20 May
The National Modern Languages Week is targeted at all pupils in the schools and high-schools in France, as well as their families and the general public. The theme, first chosen for 2016, “Osons les langues/Let's dare to speak languages”, has been renewed for this second edition. This week, again organized in May, aims to raise awareness, among the general public, about the linguistic diversity present within the country and the advantages that modern languages represent. It also seeks to encourage the desire to learn and use languages.
The objectives of this Week are to:
- highlight a topic that can bring together language and/or language related projects and foster their impact
- raise awareness about the importance of languages for professional integration
- value plurilingualism
- encourage mobility and international openness
PluriMobil, an innovative teaching tool to accompany mobility activities: ECML training and consultancy workshop for Austrian vocational education teachers (Graz, Austria, 17-18 October 2016)
[German version below]
Twenty-three teachers from vocational secondary schools in Styria met at the ECML on 17 and 18 October to explore the PluriMobil resources.
PluriMobil is an excellent teaching tool which serves to accompany language and intercultural learning during exchange programmes, stays abroad or virtual encounters. It offers learning scenarios and activities before, during and after a mobility project. The tasks are very motivating, both for individual as well as group work, providing training in the 4 skills: reading, writing, listening speaking. Learners are encouraged to set themselves goals, to use communication- and learning strategies, to be more aware of themselves and others and to reflect on their learning experiences. Plurimobil is a flexible tool which allows teachers to design their own tailor-made programme to meet the needs of a particular group. This facilitates the organisation of a language project.
Even if no mobility stay abroad is planned, Plurimobil offers a wealth of examples which raise students awareness of intercultural matters. It offers added value for all language education.
In the Austrian context Plurimobil was chosen to assist teachers of vocational schools in preparing their students to communicate effectively in a variety of work-related settings during traineeships or work-experience stays abroad. The participants found the workshop very useful, making them aware of the importance of taking account of all stages of mobility in the preparation phase.
The PluriMobil website includes a quick start guide, a handbook, 5 lesson plans for primary, lower and upper secondary, vocational schools as well as for teacher training – all available in English and in French.
The local organisers:
Landesschulrat für Steiermark; Verein Europäisches Fremdsprachenzentrum in Österreich
[German version]
PluriMobil ist ein ausgezeichnetes Unterrichtswerkzeug für die Begleitung des sprachlichen und interkulturellen Lernens bei Austauschprojekten, Sprachaufenthalten oder virtuellen Begegnungen. PluriMobil bietet Lernszenarien und Aktivitäten vor, während und nach der Mobilität. Die Aufgabenstellungen sind sehr abwechslungsreich gestaltet. Es gibt Einzel-, aber auch Gruppenarbeiten und die 4 Fertigkeiten Lesen, Schreiben, Sprechen und Hören werden immer wieder geschult. Es wird auch auf viele nützliche Links hingewiesen. Die Lernenden werden angeregt, sich Ziele zu setzen, Kommunikations- und Lernstrategien zu nutzen, sich selbst und andere bewusst wahrzunehmen und über Lernerfahrungen nachzudenken. PluriMobil ist aber kein starres Begleitprogramm, Lehrende können ein speziell eine auf bestimmte Gruppe abgestimmtes Programm zusammenstellen. Dadurch wird die Organisation eines Sprachprojektes außerordentlich erleichtert.
Aber auch, wenn im Moment kein Auslandsprojekt geplant ist, bietet PLURIMOBIL eine reiche Fundgrube, um die Schüler/innen für interkulturelle Belange zu sensibilisieren. Es ist eine gute Bereicherung des Sprachenunterrichts ganz allgemein.
In Österreich wurde ein PluriMobil-Workshop gewählt, um Lehrende an Berufsbildenden Höheren Schulen auf dieses hilfreiche Unterrichtswerkzeug aufmerksam zu machen. Diese bereiten ihre SchülerInnen auf effiziente Kommunikation in verschiedenen arbeitsbezogenen Situationen während Berufs-oder Arbeitspraktika vor. Die Rückmeldungen zeigen, dass es ein sehr nützlicher Workshop war und der positive Effekt einer Berücksichtigung aller Schritte einer Mobilität in der Vorbereitung erkannt wurde.
Die Veranstalter:
Landesschulrat für Steiermark; Verein Europäisches Fremdsprachenzentrum in Österreich
[French version: see here]