Michel Candelier, Université du Maine (Le Mans). ECML training and consultancy: "Plurilingual education – Plurilingual and intercultural competences: descriptors and teaching materials" (FREPA): coordinator; network meeting (1-2 March 2018); network meeting (27-29 March 2017); network meeting (28-29 January 2016)
Stéphanie Clerc, Université Aix-Marseille, Laboratoire Parole et Langage CNRS, Aix-en-Provence. ECML project: coordinator of the project "Involving parents in plurilingual and intercultural education" (CARAP for parents) (2013-2014)
Génaël Valet, MENESR (Ministère de l’Education Nationale de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche), Paris. ECML project: "Learning environments where modern languages flourish" (EOL); workshop (7-8 March 2019)
Philippe Blanchet, Université Rennes 2, Rennes. ECML project: "Involving parents in plurilingual and intercultural education" (CARAP for parents); expert meeting (15-16 December 2014); workshop (28-30 April 2014)
Valérie Anne Clochard, Center and Academic Manager, Eurocentres, Lausanne. ECML project: "A quality assurance matrix for CEFR use" (CEFR-QualiMatrix); expert meeting (17-18 March 2016)
Vincent Folny, CIEP - Département évaluation et certifications, Sèvres cedex. ECML Colloquium “Ensuring quality in language testing and assessment: the contribution of the CEFR” (7 December 2016)
Elsa Goujard, Collège La Reinetière, Nantes. ECML project: "Developing language awareness in subject classes"; network meeting (18-19 October 2018)
Olivier Launay, Rectorat de Rouen, Rouen. ECML project: "Learning environments where modern languages flourish" (EOL); workshop (7-8 March 2019); participant's report
Joanne Mary Pagèze, Département Langues et Cultures, Collège SHS, Université de Bordeaux, Bordeaux. ECML project: "Action research communities for language teachers" (ARC); workshop (10-11 November 2016); participant's report
Eva Schaeffer-Lacroix, University Paris-Sorbonne / Espé de Paris, Paris. ECML project: "Developping language awareness in subject classes"; workshop (16-17 November 2017); participant's report
Damien Boisset, Approches Cultures & Territoires (ACT), Marseille. ECML project: "Involving parents in plurilingual and intercultural education" (CARAP for parents); network meeting (30-31 October 2013); participant's report
Rebecca Dahm (e-mail 1, e-mail 2), ESPE Midi-Pyrénées, Brive. ECML project: "Collaborative community approach to migrant education – A virtual open course for educators"; workshop (25-27 June 2014)
Marion Latour, Centre international d’études pédagogiques (CIEP), Sèvres. ECML activity: workshop for ECML National Contact Points and National Nominating Authorities (12-13 June 2014
Michel Lefranc, Ministère de l’Education nationale, DREIC, Paris. ECML activity: workshop for ECML National Contact Points and National Nominating Authorities (12-13 June 2014)
Fabienne Petiard, Académie de Versailles, Toulon. ECML project: "European portfolio for pre-primary educators – The plurilingual and intercultural dimension" (PEPELINO); network meeting (5-6 November 2014)
Delphine Petitjean, Visuel LSF Bourgogne, Dijon. ECML project: “Sign languages and the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages – Descriptors and approaches to assessment” (PRO-Sign); network meeting (12-13 March 2015)
Julia Putsche, Université de Strasbourg, Strasbourg. ECML project: "European portfolio for pre-primary educators – The plurilingual and intercultural dimension" (PEPELINO); network meeting (5-6 November 2014)
Claude Richerne-Manchet, Académie de Versailles, Toulon. ECML projects: - "European portfolio for pre-primary educators – The plurilingual and intercultural dimension" (PEPELINO); network meeting (5-6 November 2014); participant's report - "Involving parents in plurilingual and intercultural education" (CARAP for parents); network meeting (30-31 October 2013)
Fabrice Gilles, Université Stendhal Grenoble 3, LIDILEM; APICAD, Saint-Martin d'Hères. 7th meeting of the Professional Network Forum on Language Education (8-9 December 2016)