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    Experts involved in ECML activities

France: experts involved in ECML activities

Coordinators and team members of ECML projects

2020-2023 - Inspiring innovation in language education: changing contexts, evolving competences

2016-2019 - Languages at the heart of learning

2012-2015 - Learning through languages

2008-2011 - Empowering language professionals

  • Marie Berchoud, Université de Bourgogne, IUFM, Dijon.
    ECML project: team member of the project "Encouraging the culture of evaluation among professionals" (ECEP) (2008-2011)
  • Gilles Breton, Consultant, Centre international d'études pédagogiques, Paris. 
    ECML project:
    - Team member of the projects "Training in relating language examinations to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages" (RelEx) (2009)
    - "Classroom assessment related to the Common European Framework of Reference" (ClassRelEx) (2010-2011)
  • Michel Candelier (e-mail 1e-mail 2), Professeur émérite, Université du Maine (Le Mans).
    ECML project: coordinator of the project "A framework of reference for pluralistic approaches" (CARAP) (2008-2011) 
  • Catherine Chouissa, Université de Strasbourg, Institut Le Bel.
    ECML project: team member of the project "Guidelines for university language testing" (GULT) (2008-2011)
  • Claude Cortier, ENS-LSH ICAR / Institut National de Recherche Pédagogique / Ambassade de France, Alger.
    ECML project: coordinator of the project "Minority languages, collateral languages and bi-plurilingual education" (EBP-ICI) (2008-2011)
  • Jonas Erin, Rectorat de l'académie de Rennes.
    ECML project: "The European Language Portfolio in whole-school use" (ELP-WSU) (2008-2011); workshop (19-20 May 2011); participant’s workshop report (pending)
  • Anémone Geiger-Jaillet, ESPE, Strasbourg.
    ECML project: team member of the project "Good practice in Content and Language Integrated Learning for languages other than English" (CLIL-LOTE-GO) (2008-2011)
  • Francis Goullier, Ministère de l'Education Nationale, Reims.
    ECML project: 
    - Team member of the project "The European Language Portfolio in whole-school use" (ELP-WSU) (2008-2011)
    ECML Conference 2011: participant's report; Courriel européen des langues du CIEP (novembre 2011)

  • Dominique Groux, Université des Antilles Guyane, Martinique.
    ECML project: team member of the project "Content-based modern language teaching for young learners" (EPLC) (2008-2011)
  • Martine Kervran, IUFM de Bretagne.
    ECML project: team member of the project "Content-based teaching + plurilingual/cultural awareness" (ConBaT+) (2008-2011)
  • Bernard Moro, Centre des Langues Vivantes, Université Pierre Mendès France, Grenoble 2 - Sciences Sociales.
    ECML project: team member of the project "Exploring cutting-edge applications of networked technologies in Vocationally Oriented Language Learning" (E-VOLLution) (2008-2009)
  • Enrica Piccardo, IUFM Académie de Grenoble.
    ECML project: coordinator of the project "Encouraging the culture of evaluation among professionals" (ECEP) (2008-2011);
    Since summer 2009 based at the University of Toronto (see also web page dedicated to ECML experts in Canada)
  • Claire Tardieu, IUFM de Paris Sorbonne.
    ECML project: coordinator of the project "Common European Framework of Reference for Languages - level estimation grid for teachers" (CEF-ESTIM) (2008-2009)

Associate partners

2016-2019 - Languages at the heart of learning

2012-2015 - Learning through languages

2008-2011 - Empowering language professionals

  • James Costa & Patricia Lambert, Institut National de Recherche Pédagogique, CNRS.
    ECML project: "Minority languages, collateral languages and bi-/plurilingual education" (EBP-ICI) (2008-2011)

Consortium partners

ECML conference, workshop and network meeting participants

2020-2023 - Inspiring innovation in language education: changing contexts, evolving competences

2016-2019 - Languages at the heart of learning

2012-2015 -  Learning through languages

2008-2011 - Empowering language professionals

  • Bertrand Henri Albert Vittecoq, Rectorat de l'Académie de Rouen.
    ECML project: "Classroom assessment related to the Common European Framework of Reference" (ClassRelEx) (2010-2011);
    Workshop (24-26 November 2010); participant's workshop report (pending)
  • Françoise Wolf-Mandroux, teacher-researcher, English and French trainer, Languages and Mobility Department, Responsable Unité Sites et Contenus Pédagogiques; International Centre for Educational Studies (CIEP), Sèvres.
    ECML projects: 
    - "Piloting and implementing the European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages" (EPOSTL2) (2008-2011); workshop (11-13 June 2008): participant’s workshop report (pending)
    - "Content-based modern language teaching for young learners" (EPLC) (2008-2011); workshop (5-7 November 2009); participant's workshop report (pending)

ECML Professional Network Forum