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European Language Portfolio

The European Language Portfolio is a personal document in which learners of all ages can record their language learning and cultural experiences both within and outside formal education. It also provides a framework for learners to assess their own language competences.

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29.2002 - CERCLES

The EUROPEAN LANGUAGE PORTFOLIO and language learning at university
This version of the EUROPEAN LANGUAGE PORTFOLIO (ELP) has been specially designed for use in universities across Europe. It accommodates all levels of language proficiency, from beginner (A1) to advanced (C1 and C2), and can be used by students who are learning one or more foreign languages (i)as their main focus of study, (ii) as a subsidiary part of their study, or (iii) in order to give added value to their study. It can also be used by students who are not currently learning a language but who wish to gather evidence of their language proficiency in order to support applications for study or work.

Country: Belgium
Publication year: 2002
Target group(s): Students
Language(s): French
Level(s): Tertiary (first stage)
Author(s): CERCLES European Confederation of University Language
Model for students


2012.R005 - BELGIUM

It is designed to support pupils aged 6 to 12 years learning the major national languages of Belgium (French and Dutch) but also in the learning of Rumanian, Turkish, Spanish and Italian. It is based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and it corresponds to the levels A1, A2 and B1. The ELP is available in four multilingual versions:
- Dutch-French-Rumanian
- Dutch-French-Turkish
- Dutch-French-Spanish
- Dutch-French-Italian
The portfolio encourages pupils to reflect on their knowledge of languages and to develop their language learning not only at school but also at home or during their leisure activities. The purpose of the portfolio is to stimulate the autonomy of the learners and to valorise their knowledge of languages and intercultural skills. By using this portfolio pupils also reflect on how they study a language; Howard Gardener’s theory of multiple intelligences is used to make suggestions on facilitating language learning.
For more information and to order the model please contact: patrizia.civetta@foyer.be

Country: Belgium
Publication year: 2012
Target group(s): pupils
Language(s): English
Level(s): Primary
Author(s): Integration Centre Foyer Brussels, Patrizia Civetta

This portfolio is not available for download here.

72.2006 - POLAND

European Language Portfolio for children from 6 to 10 years old

Country: Poland
Publication year: 2006
Target group(s): Adults (in general) Children
Language(s): Polish
Level(s): Primary
Author(s): Osrodek Rozwoju Edukacji
Model for learners aged 6 to 10

76.2006 - POLAND

European Language Portfolio for high school students and students

Country: Poland
Publication year: 2006
Target group(s): Students
Language(s): Polish
Level(s): Post-secondary Tertiary (first stage)
Author(s): Osrodek Rozwoju Edukacji
Model for learners aged 16 +

European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languag

European Portfolio for students - future teachers of languages

Country: Poland
Publication year: 2006
Target group(s): Students
Language(s): Polish
Level(s): Adult
Author(s): David Newby
Model for student teachers of languages

European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages

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