European Language Gazette
About us
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Structures of the ECML
Member States
Member State Representation
National Nominating Authorities
Governing Board
National Contact Points
Press and information
Professional Network Forum
Traineeships at the ECML
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Putting plurilingualism into practice
Teacher and learner competences
Sign languages
Plurilingual and intercultural education
New media in language education
Migrant education and employment
Curricula and evaluation
Early language learning
Content and Language Integrated Learning
Languages of schooling
Training & Consultancy
Language of schooling in subject learning
Plurilingual and intercultural approaches (FREPA)
Supporting the language(s) of schooling (ROADMAP)
Learning environments where modern languages flourish (EOL)
ICT in language teaching and learning (ICT-REV)
Action research communities (ARC)
Quality education in Romani (QualiRom)
Language for work
CLIL and beyond (pluriliteracies)
Teacher competences for languages in education
Young migrants - Supporting multilingual classrooms
Testing and assessment - Relating language curricula, tests and examinations to the CEFR
ECML Calendar
Programme 2024-2027
Programme 2020-2023
Home language competences
CLIL in languages other than English
CEFR Companion Volume implementation toolbox
Pluralistic teacher competences
Digital citizenship through language education
Crossborder vocational education
Young children's language learning pathways
Mediation in teaching, learning and assessment
Language-sensitive teacher education
Initiative: The future of language education
Think tank: Transversal competences
Summer academy
Programme 2016-2019
Digital literacy for the teaching and learning of languages
A guide to teacher competences for languages in education
Developing language awareness in subject classes
Promoting excellence in sign language instruction
Language for work: tools for professional development
Learning environments where modern languages flourish
Action research communities for language teachers
A quality assurance matrix for CEFR use
A roadmap for schools to support the language(s) of schooling
Inspiring language learning in the early years
Think tanks
Conference 2019
Programme 2012-2015
Programme 2008-2011
Programme 2004-2007
Programme 2000-2003
Project management
ECML-EC Cooperation
ECML resources
ECML glossaries
ECML webinars
ECML language experts
International events calendar
Add your event
Online catalogue
The John Trim Collection
Articles and publications on the ECML
Treasure Chest of Resources
Language associations
New language versions
Supporting the linguistic integration of refugees from the Ukraine
Council of Europe recommendation
This is the testing site
Curricula and evaluation
European Language Portfolio
European Language Portfolio
The European Language Portfolio is a personal document in which learners of all ages can record their language learning and cultural experiences both within and outside formal education. It also provides a framework for learners to assess their own language competences.
Using the ELP
Browse portfolios
Using the ELP
European Language Portfolio
is a personal document in which learners of all ages can record their language learning and cultural experiences both within and outside formal education. It also provides a framework for learners to assess their own language competences. The
European Language Portfolio
was developed by the Language Policy Division of the Council of Europe, piloted from 1998 to 2000, and launched in 2001, the European Year of Languages.
Unlike the
Common European Framework of References for Languages
, there is no single ELP; each (member) state develops ELPs for their own context, based on Council of Europe guidelines and templates. As a result, there is a huge variety of Portfolios for different languages, target groups and ages. Have a look at all the Portfolios available in the
ELP database
Information on the ELP is shared between /provided in tandem by the
European Language Portfolio website
within the
Language Policy Portal
and this ECML site. For information on the origins and principles of the ELP and guidelines on how to develop an ELP model, go to the
European language Portfolio website
, which provides extensive information on these aspects.
The ECML website brings together the results of European initiatives relating to the implementation of the ELP in a variety of contexts. The aim is to promote the pedagogical benefits of the ELP and to facilitate its use in practice. The information focuses on two general areas:
understanding the ELP
ELP in use
European Language Portfolio website of the Council of Europe