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ECML resources for teachers

In Europe today, language teachers are more than ever facing the challenge of linguistic diversity in their classrooms. As a matter of fact, plurilingualism has become common currency. The ECML has a lot of multilingual resources that teachers can apply in their language classrooms directed towards a range of different learners in order to promote an education for and through plurilingualism.  

We divided the resources into three different sections visible below: Content and Language Integrated Learning, Language Awareness and Intercultural Communication. We have taken a selection of activities from different ECML projects to show the variety of teacher materials that the ECML has developed over the years.
Content and Language Integrated Learning
Language awareness
Intercultural communication

Content and Language Integrated Learning

Content and Language Integrated Learning is an approach to language teaching that focuses on language learning through a specific subject. It is a combination of exposure to the target language through content knowledge. Something new is learned through the target language, which has become the medium for the subject knowledge delivery.

Database 1 (xxx materials)

Sample activity:

Database 2 (xxx materials)

Sample activity:

Database 3 (xxx materials)

Sample activity:

Target language: English for German speakers
Language of materials: English
Target group: intermediate learners of English

Target language: German
Language of materials: German
Target group: primary school students

Target language: French 
Language of materials: French                          
Target group: intermediate to advanced speakers;

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Pluriliteracies classroom materials are available in French and English and target novice to advanced learners. It offers different content-based learning materials in chemistry, history and geography. EPLC promotes plurilingualism by stating that each European Union citizen should learn two additional languages besides his or her mother tongue. EPLC offers content-based plurilingual resources in German and French on different topics related to biology and nature. EPLC promotes plurilingualism by stating that each European Union citizen should learn two additional languages besides his or her mother tongue. EPLC offers content-based plurilingual resources in German and French on different topics related to biology and nature.

Language awareness is an approach that puts multiple languages together to raise language awareness and to enhance learners’ plurilingual competence. Furthermore, it challenges monolingual attitudes and embraces all language learning, e.g. mother-tongue/s, language/s of schooling, foreign languages, regional and minority languages.


Target language: Many
Source language: Spanish
Target group: 6-12 years old
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Target language: Many
Source language: English
Target group:  6-12 years old
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Target language: Many
Source language: English, Danish, Estonian, Finnish, Icelandic, Latvian, Norwegian, Swedish, Lithuanian
Target group: young learners
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CONBAT+ offers content-based and plurilingual activities that can be linked to several subjects of the school curriculum. All resources are available in a student version and teacher version and either in English, French or Spanish integrating plurilingualism and pluriculturalism. This website presents sample activities which illustrate the approach outlined in the rationale. The topics range from mathematics, sports and music to civic, social and political related subjects.

The Language Educator Awareness (LEA) project is a teacher education kit which consists of over 100 teacher training hours, produced by experts from 23 European countries. All the resources incorporate plurilingualism and pluriculturalism into language teacher education. Furthermore, this kit, which is presented here in its complete version, is accompanied by a wide range of materials created over the lifespan of the project.
CARAP is a very rich resource bank that offers multilingual documents listed according to CARAP descriptors that describe the targeted plurilingual skills. Furthermore, the search engine can be filtered by pluralistic approach, language of teaching instruction, thematic domain, and level of instruction. Each activity also states the expected duration of the lesson plan.
Intercultural communication enables students to come into contact with other languages, cultures, and people. Nowadays being aware of cultural diversity and embracing cultural differences is key when it comes to academic and professional mobility. The materials listed here aim to improve students’ communicative and plurilingual skills, intercultural competence, their cultural awareness, and prepare students to a mobility activity.



Target language: English
Source language: English
Target group: primary school students
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Target language: French
Source language: French
Target group: upper secondary school students
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Target language: English
Source language: English
Target group: teacher trainers, teacher trainees, secondary school teachers
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PluriMobil is a teaching tool that offers activities and materials to support the plurilingual and intercultural learning of students for the phases before, during and after a mobility activity. This tool can be adapted to multiple mobility projects across all educational levels. It boils down to 5 lesson plans filtered by school level and available in English and French.
PluriMobil is a teaching tool that offers activities and materials to support the plurilingual and intercultural learning of students for the phases before, during and after a mobility activity. This tool can be adapted to multiple mobility projects across all educational levels. It boils down to 5 lesson plans filtered by school level and available in English and French.
Mirrors and Windows aims at incorporating intercultural communication into teacher education through a comprehensive textbook whose aim is to provide trainers and teachers materials that focus on intercultural learning. It can be used by teacher trainers, teacher trainees, secondary school teachers of any subject.