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Lithuania - Poland - Latvia

The border region at a glance

  • contains four borders with Latvia, Belarus, Poland and Russia. The borders with Latvia and Poland borders are regarded as friendly*, while those with Belarus and Russia borders have become hostile* in the last few years.
  • ~ 2,7 million inhabitants (2023)
  • official language: Lithuanian

Language situation

  • No official statistical information exists on how many commuters cross borders daily between Lithuania-Poland and Lithuania-Latvia. According to Eurostat (2021), regional commuting among employed 15-64 Lithuanians is common (11%) whereas cross-border commuting is rare.
  • Declared nationalities: Lithuanians 86.4%, 5.7% Polish, 4.5% Russian, 1.5% Belarusian, 1% Ukrainian, 0.4 other nationalities. Nonetheless, 96% of inhabitants claimed Lithuanian to be their native language and 4% claimed they were bilingual (Official Statistics Portal, 2019).
  • The latest thorough linguistic analysis by the Research Council of Lithuania (2013) revealed that 35% of Lithuanians claim to know Polish. The Latvian language was not considered significant in the study. For more information on the linguistic distribution and language policies see the references section.


List of stakeholders

List of stakeholders in education/research and economy/politics
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Examples of good practices

Aucun projet lié à la formation des enseignants, à la formation professionnelle ou à l’enseignement des langues dans les régions transfrontalières n’est connu.
Quelques projets qui construisent simplement un développement socio-économique transfrontalier.

Contact in this project

Vaida Misevičiūtė