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    Boîte à outils pour la mise en œuvre du Volume complémentaire du CECR
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    Constructive alignment

Boîte à outils pour la mise en œuvre du Volume complémentaire du CECR

Comment permettre aux formateur·trice·s d’enseignant·e·s d’utiliser et de diffuser les idées du Volume complémentaire du CECR

Axées sur le secteur professionnel et universitaire, les ressources VITbox offrent un aperçu des aspects novateurs du Volume complémentaire du CECR dans l’apprentissage, l’enseignement et l’évaluation des langues. Les modules VITbox permettent d'accéder facilement aux concepts clés, tels que l'approche actionnelle basée sur les tâches, les quatre types de communication, la médiation, l’interaction en ligne et l’alignement constructif de l’enseignement, de l’apprentissage et de l’évaluation.

Constructive alignment

This module explains the importance of adapting a constructivist approach and aligning teaching, learning and assessing languages at university and in vocational trainiing. This module can be used by teacher educators in initial teacher education or in professional development programmes aiming at introducing the concept to teachers. Furthermore, teachers can use this module for self-study purposes in order to learn more about constructive alignment,

Lesson video

Written interaction

A video that demonstrates the difference between written production and written interaction; the differences between spoken and written interaction; and a summary of CEFR Companion Volume descriptors for written interaction.

Download PowerPoint presentation

Download PowerPoint presentation with audio (23MB)

Video script

A script of the videos, for those who prefer reading to watching.

Download script

Activities for teacher educators and teachers

A training activity

A classroom activity Enquiring about a job position (Correspondence) whose usefulness in teaching, learning and assessment is to be discussed or reflected upon.

Example 1. Training activity: Written interaction – Correspondence

A checklist

A checklist associated with the training activity which has been designed to encourage reflection. 

Checklist for written interaction activities

Examples of classroom tasks

Other examples of classroom tasks that exemplify written interaction. Tasks can be downloaded and used for training purposes.

Example 1. Classroom activity: Written interaction – Correspondence