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    Non migrant and migrant

Migrant language education

Teachers and educational authorities in many ECML member states are developing strategies to cater for the language needs of children and adult migrants. Significant efforts are made to provide support for the learning of the language(s) of the host country in order to facilitate access to the social and professional life of the majority population. It is worth exploring examples of good practice and pooling innovative approaches in order to elaborate practical material, instruction files or tools to effectively support migrant learners’ development of competences in the majority language(s).

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It is important for migrants to have the opportunity to develop language competences in their home language(s) – the language(s) spoken at home by children and adult migrants. It is argued that “access to literacy in two languages benefits cognitive development. Thus the home language skills of children and adolescents from migrant backgrounds should be fostered by whatever means are practically available, partly as a matter of human rights and partly in order to increase society’s linguistic and cultural capital” (Council of Europe/Language Policy Division 2010). Also, for their peers in classrooms and for adult majority language speakers of the host country, awareness-raising activities through inclusive, plurilingual and intercultural approaches are important features of good quality education and provide positive impact for the society as a whole.    

Projects covering the theme “support for migrant language education” are addressing either the learning of the host country’s language(s) or the learning of the home language(s) but are acknowledging the need of the learner to develop both strands.


Projects targeting young migrants

Diversity in majority language learning (MAledive)

Project duration: 2012-2015
Project website in English / German
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The project will focus on teacher education for the majority language (e.g. French in France, Polish in Poland). It aims to provide access to plurilingual approaches so that teachers can address and build on linguistic and cultural diversity in classrooms. The project will also promote collaboration between teachers of all languages.


Language descriptors for migrant and minority learners' success in compulsory education (Language descriptors)

  Project duration: 2012-2013
Project website in English / French
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The project will focus on the language competence required in the language of schooling in order to achieve educational success. Eliciting language requirements in curriculum subjects and linking these to CEFR levels will raise educators’ awareness of the language migrant and minority language learners’ need to perform successfully in compulsory education.


Collaborative Community Approach to Migrant Education

  Project duration: 2013-2014
Project website in English/French
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This project will explore new ways to enhance young migrants' education by developing links between schools, the home and local partners in education. This educational joint venture aims to develop the learners’ skills in the language of schooling and their plurilingual competences. New ways of teaching will be explored by producing multi-modal texts. Online resources as well as accompanying documents will be developed in cooperation with libraries and other local partners.


Project targeting adult migrants

Developing migrants’ language competences at work (Language for work)

  Project duration: 2012-2015
Project website in English/French
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The project seeks to establish a European learning network to support researchers, learning providers, employers, trade unions and policy-makers in an emerging field: learning (including formal, non-formal and informal learning) of the majority language by migrants and ethnic minorities for work. A website to share and develop practice across different European countries will be set up.

