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PROGRAMME 2012-2015 du CELV

Les langues, un indicateur de qualité de l’entreprise


| Version française en cours de développement |

Company Survey 

30 companies in 8 different countries (Armenia, Belgium, Canada, England, Germany, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxemburg and Russia) and across a wide range of sectors (agro-industry, energy, manufacturing, construction, communication, consultancy, legal and financial services, pharmaceuticals, retail, tourism and trade) were surveyed to find out more about how they valued languages in terms of their recruitment and training and development policies. Despite the differences in size, sector and country, the vast majority of companies recognized the importance of languages and the increasing need for languages other than English.

Languages are fundamental for competitiveness.

The importance of informal and non-formal learning 

Many people develop their language and intercultural skills through informal and non-formal learning. Key European tools such as the European Language Portfolio and Europass can be used to record such learning. Greater awareness of these tools is needed both for employees and employers. 

Excellent skills in English are becoming more and more important, but at the same time they are less and less sufficient.

The added-value of plurilingual workspaces 

Research shows that companies who recognise, value and use the language and intercultural skills of their employees develop a more satisfied and committed workforce. This in turn leads to improved internal and external communication, the discovery of new market opportunities, a higher public profile and increased competitiveness.

Our staff needs to speak the language of the customer.

How to create plurilingual workspaces

The diagram below outlines ways in which companies can make languages and intercultural communication a central element of corporate quality and business success.

Companies should be encouraged to use forms of alternative assessment of language competence, by including recognition of skills gained through informal or non-formal learning in their assessment of language competences.
Ana Maria Vladau - Brasov School Inspectorate, Romania

Ces pages sont le résultat d’un projet mené dans le cadre du programme « Apprendre par les langues » du Centre européen pour les langues vivantes (CELV).

Langues de travail du projet:
français, anglais

Durée du projet:

Public cible des activités prévues dans le cadre du projet responsables politiques:

  • Enseignants
  • Responsables de formation et de développement de programmes, ainsi que des employeurs des secteurs privé et public, chefs du personnel, entrepreneurs
  • Associations patronales, organisations du secteur des affaires, représentants des personnels 
  • Organismes de certification de la qualité, agences de recrutement, conseillers en carrière.


Cette page web est le résultat du travail d’un réseau international établi dans le cadre de l’un des projets du CELV. Nous souhaiterions remercier toutes les personnes qui ont contribué à LINCQ, et plus particulièrement l’équipe de coordination pour sa motivation et son engagement..

Project working pages

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Wolfgang Mackiewicz

Michael John Hammersley

Isabelle Ortiz

Lusine Fljyan