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Promoting excellence in sign language instruction

Teacher competences
European Language Portfolio
Pro-sign reference
About the CEFR


Resources for assessment

Example of test with questions about criteria and level

Type of material: Assessment example narrative assignment
Country and language: Netherlands, English
Material: PowerPoint (coming soon)

Production of student, description of animal

Type of material: student narrative A1-2
Country and language: Netherlands, NGT
Material: Video

Instruction of teacher about exam and content

Type of material: teacher instruction A1-A2
Country and language: Netherlands, NGT
Material: Video

Example testitem (n=1) for P, C and I, translated into English

Type of material: Assessm: examples P, C, I
Country and language: Netherlands, English - NGT
Material: PowerPoint (coming soon)

Interview by teacher of candidate 1 about invitation for dinner

Type of material: Clips A2
Country and language: Netherlands, NGT
Material: Video

NGT tekst by teacher for comprehension purpose (stud must answer question)

Type of material: Clips A2
Country and language: Netherlands, NGT
Material: Video

Instruction for teacher / assessor

Type of material: instruction for Clips A2
Country and language: Netherlands, English
Material: Document

Instruction for learner/candidate

Type of material: instruction for Clips A2
Country and language: Netherlands, English
Material: Document

NGT Examples for assessment

Type of material: NGT assessment examples
Country and language: Netherlands, English
Material: Example Production exam SL module 6 2nd yearToestemmingsformulier L. Paulides, Video 1, Video 2

Script for conversation (SLAC) Hello what is your name?

Type of material: script for conversation
Country and language: Ireland, English
Material: Document

Script for conversation (SLAC) Hello what is your name?

Type of material: script for conversation
Country and language: Ireland, English
Material: Document

Script for conversation (SLAC) Hello what is your name?

Type of material: script for conversation
Country and language: Ireland, English
Material: Document


Type of material: NFA -CEFR vs SLPI rating scales
Country and language: Netherlands, English
Material: Document

Description of course in Swedish Sign Language

Type of material: SSL text about programme
Country and language: Sweden, SSL
Material: Video

Description of course in English

Type of material: English text about programma
Country and language: Sweden, English
Material: Document

8 SLPI documents and 1 Pearson CEF teacher guide

Type of material: SLPI examples for workshop
Country and language: USA, English
Materials: SLPI RatingScale and Analyzing FunctionSLPI Rater_Worksheet_23RTSLPI Rater_Worksheet_1RTSLPI Discussion_Worksheet_23RTSLPI Discussion and Grammar GuidelinesSLPI Analyzing Form 

NFA interview by teacher and L2 learner (B2 level) (2)

Type of material: NFA interview B2 level
Country and language: Netherlands, NGT
Material: Video

NFA interview by teacher and L2 learner (B2 level) (1)

Type of material: NFA interview B2 level
Country and language: Netherlands, NGT
Material: Video

Description of formative and summative assessment in Hungary

Type of material: Description of assessment in Hungary
Country and language: Hungary, English
Material: Document

Self assessment form in Dutch used in Utrecht

Type of material: Description of self assessment form in NL
Country and language: Netherlands, Dutch
Material: Document

Here is a video I sign international language about assessment A1 for people who want to get A1 for work or get unit for example high school

Type of material: Instruction? A1 assessment
Country and language: Iceland, International Sign
Material: Video

Resources for assignment

By Pat Matthews

Type of material: assignments for students of ISL
Country and language: Ireland, English
Material: Document

By Pat Matthews, rubric for ISL 6 Interactive Questions 2014

Type of material: marks guidelines for teachers of ISL
Country and language: Ireland, English
Material: Document

Examples of A1 / A2-B1 and B1/B2 production, and example of A2 reception

Type of material: A1 - B2 assessment examples (P)
Country and language: Denmark, Danish
Material: Assignment CEFR level A1 productionA2 receptionA2-B1 productionB1-B2 production TRANSLATED ENGB1-B2 production

Additional materials

Description of study on Characteristics of signed texts for sign language comprehension

Type of material: Talk by AvdBroek text difficulty
Country and language: Netherlands, English
Material: PowerPoint

Description of process how to adapt SLPI -ASL to NFA-NGT

Type of material: Talk by Eboers about NFA development
Country and language: Netherlands, English
Material: PowerPoint

From their website and one article by o.a. De Weerdt

Type of material: Teacher competencies in Finland
Country and language: Finland, English
Material: De Weerdt et al. 2016FINLAND info about SL teachers