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    Inventaire d'outils TIC

Inventaire d’outils TIC et de ressources éducatives ouvertes

Bienvenus dans l’inventaire d’outils en ligne, disponibles gratuitement, et de ressources éducatives libres d’accès pour l’enseignement des langues et de l’apprentissage mis au point dans le cadre du projet TIC-REV! Cet inventaire comprend une compilation d’outils qui ont été évalués en tenant compte de solides critères pédagogiques. Plus d'info
 (126 votes)   Noter cette ressource
Cet outil a été conçu dans le cadre d'un accord de coopération entre le Centre européen pour les langues vivantes et la Commission européenne


Principal function(s): Poll and survey creatorsQuiz/exercise makers

Socrative is a free student response system. Teachers can set up quizzes or team quiz "races" and students can submit responses instantly on their phones or computers. Results can be displayed named or anonymously and may also be published as Google spreadsheets. It is free for a class with up to 50 students. Evaluation: Socrative is a product that gives teachers the ability to ask questions and get feedback from each student almost immediately. Questions such as T/F, multiple choice, and others give teachers the opportunity to quickly assess progress during a lesson and check for understanding at the end of it. The product is cloud-based and free, which means students can access it using any device. The company provides a database of existing quizzes and questions and a venue where teachers can share created resources in their "garden" of homemade quizzes. The results of the teacher's query can be displayed live in the classroom to facilitate student discussion. Results can also be displayed in an Excel file.

Cost: Free with registration + paid premium plans

Website: https://www.socrative.com/



Type Of Interaction

  • Group/pair work - classmates
  • Presenting (e.g. lecturing, storytelling)


  • Vocabulary
  • Grammar


  • You supply


Interface User-friendliness/complexity of the tool´s interface


Time efficiency Time needed for mastering the „how-to“ of the tool and a production of a task


Interface language(s) The number of languages in which the tool is currently available/adaptable to

20+ languages.

Respect for privacy Does the tool require registration? Who can see my data? Can I remain anonymous?

Medium. Showbie, the developer of Socrative, provides different types of user data and cookies for diverse purposes, among which are the running of the service or marketing. Its privacy policy mentions the implementation of appropriate technical and organizational measures to maintain the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data. It also provides information about the rights of data subjects, such as the right to request access, rectification, erasure, and data portability. Showbie mentions the GDPR in its privacy policy but it is not completely clear whether it complies to it. See more here.

Saving work for future use Possiblity to save your or others´ work for reuse/reproduction


Tailorability (If so, how?) Possibility of the tool to be used for a range of different activities (e.g. to what extent you can organize a project assignment with a central activity based on this tool)






Technical requirements

Installation required?


Compatibility/ Operating System

Web and iOS/Android apps

Other technical requirements

Internet connection

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Filtrer ces outils

Principal Functions
Type Of Interaction
Group/pair work - classmates
Group/pair work - outsiders
Individual work
Presenting (e.g. lecturing, storytelling)


You supply
Website/other users supply


Latest addition to the ICT-REV inventory

Playphrase (Tool to find the pronunciation of words from movies )

Playphrase is a tool that searches specific words or phrases out of movie snippets from a database of audiovisual media with over 60,000 phrases. In this manner, it provides real-life examples of words’ and sentences’ pronunciation. Users just have to type specific phrases, watch them being used naturally in context within popular movies and TV shows, and listen to their pronunciation. Playphrase works mainly with English. Playphrase is not open-source, but it is freely available. It does not require setting up an account or signing in. ... Plus d'info

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