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    Matilde Grünhage-Monetti
ECML PROGRAMME - Programme 2012-2015

A European learning network for professionals supporting work-related second language development

Language for Work is a European learning network for professionals teaching the language of the host country to migrants and ethnic minorities in work-related contexts. The network helps members share and develop their practice.

Project results

Matilde Grünhage-Monetti: Coordinator


Surname: Grünhage-Monetti
First name: Matilde
Address for correspondence: E-mail
Nationality: Italian

Affiliation with educational networks/associations

  • Deutsches Institut für Erwachsenenbildung (DIE) / former employer: project management consultancy; Deutscher Volkshochschulverband: free lance trainer;
  • DGB-Bildungswerk, external expert;
  • Arbeit und Leben: trainer;
  • a number of City Councils e. g. City of Herten: intercultural trainer, etc.  

Work information

Occupation or position currently held: Retired, free lance researcher, consultant and trainer
Main activities and responsibilities: Research, project management and training in the fields of workplace literacies, intercultural education, diversity and food literacy 
Name of employer: Deutsches Institut für Erwachsenenbildung (former employer) 
Country of employment: Germany

Languages of communication

Mother tongue: Italian
Other languages: German, English, French, Spanish

Project experience

  • "Deutsch am Arbeitsplatz", 2007-2009, VolskswagenStiftung (VW Foundation): articles in German and English (see below: Berg/Grünhage-Monetti 2009, Grünhage-Monetti 2009)
  • Training for the Integration of Migrants into the Labour Market and the Local Society (TRIM), 2003-2004, European commission/Leonardo (publication under: http://www.die-bonn.de/esprid/dokumente/doc-2005/gruenhage05_01.pdf
  • European Intercultural Competence Progamme (EICP),2003-2004, European commission/Grundtvig: publication: Grünhage-Monetti, M. (2005):Interkulturelle Kompetenz in der Zuwanderungsgesellschaft, Bielefeld 

Expertise in the topic of the proposed project

Practice in the field:
Matilde Grünhage Monetti has over 15 years experience in applied research on wokplace communications requirements and practice, communication and needs analysis, syllabus development, collection of linguistic corpora in companies, development and delivery of training schemesfor teachers, instructors, trade unions,teachers trainers, etc. She has directd the ECML Project Odysseus: language needs of migrant and ethnic workers 
Other relevant experience:
Development and delivery of intercultural and diversity training schemes 


  • Grünhage-Monetti, M (2010): Sprachlicher Bedarf von Personen mit Deutsch als Zweitsprache in Betrieben. Expertise für das Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge.  
  • Berg, W. / Grünhage-Monetti, M. (2009): “Zur Integration gehört Spaß, Witz, Ironie, ΄ne Sprache, die Firmensprache“− Sprachlich kommunikative Anforderungen am Arbeitsplatz. In: Deutsch als Zweitsprache. Baltmannsweiler (Hohengehren), 4/2009, S. 7-21
  • Grünhage-Monetti, M. (2009): Learning needs of migrant workers in Germany. In: Workplace Learning and Skills Bulletin. Cambridge, Issue 7, S. 17-18
  • Grünhage-Monetti, M. (2007):Former en langues des salariés immigrés dans l' entreprise: nouvelles orientations didactiques. In: Le français dans le monde. Lassay-les-Chateaux, juli 2007, S. 31-45
  • Grünhage-Monetti, M. / Halewijn, E. / Holland, C. (2003): Odysseus - Second language at the workplace – Language needs of migrant workers: organising language learning for the vocational/workplace context //archive.ecml.at/documents/pub125E2003GruenhageMonetti.pdf



In cooperation with the 
Moscow State Linguistic University


Project workshop in 2015 - if you wish to participate click here and contact your National Nominating Authority