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    Maria Teresa Hernandez Garcia
ECML PROGRAMME - Programme 2012-2015

A European learning network for professionals supporting work-related second language development

Language for Work is a European learning network for professionals teaching the language of the host country to migrants and ethnic minorities in work-related contexts. The network helps members share and develop their practice.

Project results

María Teresa Hernández García


Surname: Hernández García
First name: María Teresa
Address for correspondence: E-mail
Nationality: Spanish

Affiliation with educational networks/associations:

  • Editor of  SL&I en Red, Inmigración y aprendizaje de lenguas en comunidades con dos lenguas oficiales, Dosieres SL&I, Recursos para la investigación en adquisición/aprendizaje de segundas lenguas, Prácticas en Educación.
  • Organizer of workshops for teachers about teaching L2 to immigrants in Santander (Manifiesto de Santander), Granada (Propuestas de Granada) and Alicante (Propuestas de Alicante).
  • Co-author of a manual for teaching and learning of Spanish as a second language for young immigrants and co-author also of L2 literacy materials.
  • Co-director of the www.segundaslenguaseinmigracion.es

Work information:

Occupation or position currently held: Teacher of Spanish as a Second Language for immigrants
Name of employer: Comunidad de Madrid
Country of employment: Spain

Education and training

Mª Teresa Hernández García is a researcher with a focus on methodology for second language and literacy teaching and learning (Spanish for immigrants).
Participant in Workshop No 5 / 2000 ECML Odysseus Project: Language needs of migrant workers: the organization of language learning for business purposes.
Co-author of numerous papers on teaching Spanish to immigrants: “La enseñanza de español con fines laborales para inmigrantes”; en Lingüística en la Red; “En defensa de un alejamiento progresivo de la GU en la adquisición de la L2” en Spanish Applied Linguistic, Orientaciones para la enseñanza del español a inmigrantes y refugiados (MEC), Recursos para la Enseñanza oral del español a inmigrantes no alfabetizados. Primer y segundo ciclo de la ESO (Comunidad de Madrid), “¿Se puede aprender una segunda lengua sin saber leer? Alfabetización y aprendizaje de una L2.” En Carabela, etc.
Teacher trainer and former teacher of L2 Spanish for immigrants in various Spanish universities (UIMP, Alcalá, Uned) 

Languages of communication:

Mother tongue Spanish
Other languages English, French

Contribution to the project:

Mª Teresa Hernández García will conribute with her knowledge of applied linguistics, her extensice experience in teaching (workplace-related) second languages to immigrants and in training teachers as well as indeveloping teaching materials and in editing specialist journals.  


In cooperation with the 
Moscow State Linguistic University


Project workshop in 2015 - if you wish to participate click here and contact your National Nominating Authority