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ECML PROGRAMME - Programme 2012-2015

European portfolio for student teachers of pre-primary education


Workshop in Graz, 21-22 April 2015


For more detailed news please see the French and the German language versions

Expert meeting, 7 November 2014

For more detailed news please see the French and the German language versions

Network meeting, 5-7 November 2014

Network meeting Powerpoint presentations (only available in French):

Autoévaluation des compétences en langue(s) étrangère(s)
Etat du projet
Résultats principaux des questionnaires

Theme 1: Prise en compte des compétences inscrites dans le curriculum de formation
Theme 2: Cohérence interne du portfolio (Catherine Carré-Karlinger)
Theme 3: La réflexion personnelle et l’autoévaluation dans le Portfolio (Natalia Orlova)
Theme 4: L'utilisation du PEFEP par les personnes en formation
Theme 6: Parties devant être développées

Workshop, 12-13 December 2013

For more detailed news please see the French and the German language versions

First expert meeting, 12-13 February 2013

The project began with an initial expert meeting on the 12 and 13 February 2013. This allowed for the portfolio objectives to be defined and language descriptor categories to be identified with respect to future pre-primary school teachers, responsible for young children’s language education.

This tool will fit into the frame of the EPOSTL project which is dedicated to language teachers. It will also take advantage of other ECML projects which put particular emphasis on diversity in education, development of intercultural competences and the support of young children’s language development, whether this be the language of education, a child’s mother tongue or else a new potential foreign language
This portfolio will encourage future teachers and stakeholders to reflect on their own/personal attitudes as well as to think about the most appropriate pedagogical practices
A first workshop will be held in the ECML on the 12th and 13th December. This will allow the project team’s approaches to be compared with the experiences of participants and the training needs of their student teachers i.e. the target group of this Portfolio.
In addition to the work done by the project team, experts from different member states who have shown their interest in the project will be involved in the discussion and compiling of competence descriptors which will be examined at the workshop in December 2013.


Project workshop in 2015 - if you wish to participate click here and contact your National Nominating Authority