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The future of language education in the light of Covid
Lessons learned and ways forward

The initiative explores how the Covid pandemic affected language education in Europe and looks at ways in which the experience, skills and insights gained may bring about beneficial lasting changes in the teaching and learning of languages.
Colloquium 2021

Logo AilaACTFL, the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, is dedicated to the improvement and expansion of the teaching and learning of all languages at all levels of instruction. ACTFL is an individual membership organization of more than 12,000 language educators, students, and administrators from elementary through graduate education, as well as government and industry. 

Logo Aila

AILA, the International Association of Applied Linguistics, is the international federation of national or regional associations of Applied Linguistics, contributing to the development of all subject areas of applied linguistics.

Logo AlteALTE, the Association of Language Testers in Europe, is an association of providers of foreign language examinations and includes many of the world‘s leading assessment bodies. Through its activities ALTE provides leadership in addressing issues of test quality and fairness and in raising awareness of language testing issues.

Logo CerclesCercleS, the European Confederation of Language Centres in Higher Education, is a confederation of independent associations and brings together some 290 institutions whose main responsibility is the teaching of language.

Logo EaltaEALTA, the European Association for Language Testing and Assessment, is a professional association for language testers in Europe, aiming to promote the understanding and the sharing of testing and assessment practices throughout Europe.

Logo EaqualsEAQUALS, the Evaluation and Accreditation of Quality in Language Services, is an international association which aims to foster excellence in language education across the world by providing guidance and support to teaching institutions and individuals. These aims are achieved by improving the experience of language learners by developing quality standards for the teaching of modern languages, delivering accreditation against these standards for providers of language education and through the development of practical resources which offer training and support for those working in the field of modern languages.

Logo EaqualsECSPM, the European Civil Society platform for multilingualism is a forum for the exchange of best practices for the media, cultural organisations and those involved in non-formal and informal education. Its main objective is to promote a permanent dialogue between the Commission and civil society on the different aspects of the multilingualism policy.

Logo ECMLECML, the European Centre for Modern Languages of the Council of Europe, functions as a catalyst for reform in the teaching and learning of languages. It assists its stakeholders in its 34 member states in bringing language education policies and practices together.

EDiLiC  (Education, Cultural and Linguistic Diversity) is an international association that brings together researchers, teacher trainers, teachers, innovators, parents as well as citizens who are concerned with the state of education. It aims to promote an innovative pedagogical approach, called Awakening to languages/ Language Awareness, along with other pluralistic approaches to languages and cultures.

EFNIL, the European Federation of National Institutions for Language, provides a forum for institutions - whose role includes monitoring the official language or languages of their country, advising on language use, or developing language policy - to exchange information about their work and to gather and publish information about language use and language policy within the European Union.

Logo Cel/ElcCEL/ELC, the Conseil Européen pour les Langues/ European Language Council is an association whose main aim is the quantitative and qualitative improvement of knowledge of the languages and cultures of the European Union and beyond.

EPA, the European Parents' Association, gathers the parents associations in Europe and works in partnership both to represent and give to parents a powerful voice in the development of education policies and decisions at European level.

EUNIC, the European Union National Institutes for Culture, is a network of the international cultural relations institutes from the member states of the European Union.


FIPLV, the Fédération Internationale des Professeurs de Langues Vivantes, is the only international multilingual association of teachers of languages.

IAM, the International Association of Multilingualism is is an international network of scholars who share an interest in multilingualism.

Logo ICCICC, the International Certificate Conference e.V., is a non-government organisation and sets standards for a transnational network of language learners. The ICC is an international association with local impact representing the field of language learning and teaching.

Logo OlbiOLBI, the Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute of the University of Ottawa, strengthens and promotes education and research in the fields of teaching, evaluation and language-policy design in Canada.

Webinar "Covid-19 and language education: Making home schooling motivating and fun” 

ECML webinar for parents/carers, teachers and others involved in supporting the home learning of children and young people, especially those whose first language is not necessarily the language of schooling 

The Covid pandemic continues to dominate our lives and although schools in some countries are open again, there are still many young people who are learning from home, on a full or part-time basis. Linking to the theme of learner autonomy from the previous ECML webinar, Covid-19 and language education: Two challenges, one response, this latest webinar will focus on resources for the home-schooling of children and young people and how these can be successfully adapted to meet the needs of learners whose first language is not the language of schooling.

Déirdre Kirwan, ECML expert within the project Inspiring Language Learning – why it matters and what it looks like for children age 3 to 12 years and co-author of Engaging with Linguistic Diversity: A Study of Educational Inclusion in an Irish Primary School (2019), will present a range of practical ideas, many of them from the ECML’s Treasure Chest of Resources for learners, parents and teachers, which help ensure that home learning:

  • is learner-centred, motivating and fun for everyone involved
  • develops learners’ plurilingual repertoires - not only the language of schooling, but foreign languages and children’s home languages
  • supports young people’s wellbeing despite social isolation
  • gives parents/carers confidence in supporting their children’s learning
  • includes self-management tools to develop learner autonomy and track progress

Recorded 11 March 2021

Webinar in English: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAEZO_zPQVc
powerpoint presentation

Webinar "Covid-19 and language education: Two challenges, one response"


No one knows when the world will find a solution to the Covid-19 problem, and no one knows whether we shall ever return to what we think of as normality. In these circumstances, it seems appropriate to start looking for effective responses to the educational challenges posed by Covid-19. Members of the Council of Europe’s Standing Committee for Education Policy and Practice and the ECML’s Governing Board have identified public examinations and distance learning as areas of particular concern in language education. This webinar will briefly discuss these concerns and outline a possible response based on the CEFR and its Companion Volume.

Target group: The webinar is intended for language education decision makers – e.g. those responsible for policy and/or for curricula and assessment who are interested in the issues raised and would like to explore the possibility of working towards a solution in collaboration with other countries under the aegis of the ECML.

With David Little, Trinity College Dublin

Recorded 3 December 2020

Webinar in English: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3qq4lWCJB8E
Download: powerpoint presentation