Formative assessment
Formative assessment of mediation
Formative assessment methods provide ongoing information on how students are progressing and support the learning process. In the classroom formative assessment of mediation can be made by means of:
- Journals/Logs: students make daily entries in a diary referring to their progress. Teachers ask students to create a journal or a learning log, in which both teachers and learners write and through which they collaborate.
- Portfolios: collection of students’ work (mainly written but a portfolio could also include drawings, videos, etc). They demonstrate the evolution of students’ work. Portfolios can be done either in the foreign language or in any language brought into the classroom. The teacher should bear in mind that s/he can exploit technology and involves students in making their e-portfolio, i.e., an electronic version of a portfolio to record and share their work, reflect on their learning and receive feedback;
- Feedback: teachers provides structured feedback to students on their strengths and weaknesses in written or oral performance; feedback may also be provided by the student’s peers;
- Conferences: a peer conference is composed of a group of students who meet together to assess the written work of group members (Roberts and Kellough, 1996)
- Self-assessment grids or reflection tasks: Getting learners to reflect on their own performance on the basis of certain criteria is what self-assessment involves. Reflection tasks are those tasks which ask learners to track their learning progress, identify areas of strengths and weaknesses, reflect on strategies they used in order to carry out the mediation task etc (EXAMPLES: tasks 5, 9, 14 or 15).
In Tasks 22 and 23 (project activity) students are asked to select information from various sources in Language A (video and texts) and create an informative poster which will provide first-aid instructions about heat exhaustion in Greece and Finland. The students then present their work in front of a small group of students. A reflection task is provided at the end of the lesson and which includes questions about the strategies they used in order to create their own poster. These questions encourage them to reflect on the steps they followed in order to carry out Tasks 22 and 23 as a whole.
In Task 29, at the end of the lesson, students have to reflect on their own motivation regarding the theme and the tasks, and reflect on their use of previously acquired linguistic and cultural knowledge. In a subsequent phase, they have to summarise what they have learnt.