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Digital literacy for the teaching and learning of languages

Workshop "Digital literacy for the teaching and learning of languages" - 10-11 October 2017

The project workshop organised by the e-lang team was held from the 10th to the 11th of October 2017 at the ECML headquarters in Graz. This workshop on digital literacy for the teaching and learning of languages sparked a large interest as it drew 40 participants from 34 countries (member states of the ECML and Canada).

The two-day workshop involved group work and discussions sessions in a very productive atmosphere, which contributed to the successful completion of the workshop goals which were to:

a) give participants the opportunity to discover real-world tasks and the pedagogical approach guiding the e-lang project and to explore the training modules developed by the e-lang project team;

b) engage participants to actively contribute to the project by creating real-world tasks and suggesting resources for language activities.

The project team was delighted to work with an exceptionally committed and hard-working group of participants.  In addition to their online participations to pre- and post-workshop activities, they provided high-quality contributions during the workshop. These inputs will be integrated into the project.

Furthermore, the e-lang team was glad to see that the project pedagogical framework, the training modules and the workshop itself were very well received among the workshop participants. The post-workshop activities are underway and a positive impact can be expected in each of the countries represented at the workshop.

To find out more, please check the Twitter Storify stories of the workshop:

Workshop programme

Download the workshop programme