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    Theme: Plurilingual education
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language education

 Thematic area: Plurilingual education

Council of Europe policy attaches particular importance to the development of plurilingualism - the lifelong enrichment of the individual’s linguistic and cultural repertoire - with the aim of enabling Europeans to interact in a number of different languages and cultural contexts.

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However, although in most European countries learners are encouraged to learn at least two foreign languages at school, in practice, it is observed that the compulsory learning of a second foreign language is often questioned. Projects in this section demonstrate ways in which this development can be counteracted.
  • How can plurilingual education be put into practice?
  • How can learners best be encouraged to value and respect other languages and cultures apart from their own?
  • What is the place of regional and minority languages in the education systems?
  • How can teachers cope with multilingual classes where all pupils do not necessarily have the required level in the language of instruction?
This section also includes a project run in collaboration with language teacher associations, whom the ECML values as important partners in promoting plurilingual education and disseminating the Centre’s work.


Michel CANDELIER - français - CARAP
A framework of reference for pluralistic approaches (CARAP)
Un cadre de référence pour les approches plurielles
Project website / Abstract / Résumé
(Video in French)
Claude CORTIER - français - EBP-ICI
Minority languages, collateral languages and bi-/plurilingual education (EBP-ICI)
Langues minoritaires, langues collatérales et éducation bi-/plurilingue
Project Website / Abstract / Résumé
(Video in French)
Klaus-Börge BOECKMANN - English - MARILLE
Majority language instruction as basis for plurilingual education (MARILLE)
L'enseignement de la langue majoritaire comme base pour l'enseignement plurilingue
Mehrheitssprachenunterricht als Basis für plurilinguale Erziehung
Project Website / Abstract / Résumé / Zusammenfassung
Terry LAMB - English - LACS
Language associations and collaborative support (LACS)
Associations linguistiques et soutien coopératif
Sprachenverbände und Stärkung ihrer gegenseitigen Zusammenarbeit
Project Website / Abstract / Résumé / Zusammenfassung

Project coordinators

Michel Candelier: CARAP Claude Cortier: EBP-ICI Klaus Börge- Böckmann: MARILLE Terry Lamb: LACS
Klaus Börge- Böckmann


Project short links
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