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    Theme: Continuity in language learning
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 Thematic area: Continuity in language learning

Climbing the educational ladder from primary school up often involves negotiating missing “rungs” in certain subject matters. These gaps are particularly acute between primary and secondary and between lower and upper secondary school programmes. In language learning, the difficulty of passing from one level to another is often compounded by different approaches and materials. In addition, there is sometimes even competition rather than cooperation between different language sections in schools.

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Some of the burning issues dealt with in this thematic area are:
  • What aptitudes do language teachers need to equip their students with key skills for learning any language?
  • How can schools encourage positive attitudes to language learning through holistic approaches?
  • What tools can assist in ensuring a smooth transition between educational levels or promote common approaches across different languages?
  • What role can implementation of the European Language Portfolio play in this process?
  • How can Europeans be motivated to continue language learning in their careers after their formal education at school or university?
The European Language Portfolio, an important tool for promoting continuity in language learning, is the focus of two projects in this area.


Ursula STICKLER - English - DOTS
Developing online teaching skills (DOTS)
(Weiter)Entwicklung von Online-Lehrfähigkeiten
Project Website / Abstract / Résumé / Zusammenfassung
David George LITTLE - English - ELP-WSU
The European Language Portfolio in whole-school use (ELP-WSU)
Emploi du Portfolio européen des langues à l'échelle de l'établissemant scolaire
Project Website / Abstract / Résumé
Margarete NEZBEDA - English - ELP-TT2
Training teachers to use the European Language Portfolio - Follow-up project (ELP-TT2) 2008/2009
Former les enseignants à l'utilisation du Portfolio européen des langues – projet de suivi
Project Website / Abstract / Résumé
Margarete NEZBEDA - English - ELP-TT2
Training teachers to use the European Language Portfolio - Follow-up project (ELP-TT3) 2010/2011
Former les enseignants à l'utilisation du Portfolio européen des langues – projet de suivi
Project Website / Abstract / Résumé
 Mobility programmes for plurilingual and intercultural education – tools for language teachers (Plurimobil)
Favoriser le succès des programmes de mobilité - Outils pour les enseignants en langues
Project Website / Abstract / Résumé
 Exploring cutting edge applications of networked technologies in vocationally oriented language learning (E-VOLLution)
Vernetzte Technologie von morgen im berufsbezogenen Sprachunterricht
Project Website / Abstract / Résumé / Zusammenfassung

Project coordinators

Ursula Stickler: DOTS Tony Fitzpatrick: E-VOLLution David Little: ELP-WSU Margareta Nezbeda: ELP-TT2 Mirjam Egli Cuenat: PluriMobil


Egli Cuenat



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