Anna Krnáčová, National Institute for Education. ECML project: “CEFR Companion Volume implementation toolbox” (workshop 14-September 2021), participant's report.
Lívia Mešková, Secondary Vocational School of Hotel Services and Trades. ECML project: "Mediation in teaching, learning and assessment" (workshop 18-19 May 2021), participant's report; “Enhancing language education in cross-border vocational education” (workshop 7-8 February 2023), participant's report.
Anna Pávová, National Institute for Education and Youth. ECML Summer academy (3-7 July 2023), participant's report.
Renáta Timková, P.J.Šafárik University in Košice. ECML project: “CEFR Companion Volume implementation toolbox” (workshop 14-September 2021), participant's report.
Andrea Vajduláková, Gymnázium (Grammar School). ECML project: “Digital citizenship through language education” (workshop 4-5 November 2021), participant's report.
Monika Gregušová, National Institute of Education and Youth. ECML project: "Building blocks for planning language-sensitive teacher education" (workshop 14-15 February 2023), participant's repport.
Darina De Jaegher, Institut national de l'enseignement technique/ Štátny inštitút odborného vzdelávania (ŠIOV), Bratislava. ECML think tank: "Language learning pathways" (18-19 January 2018)
Stojka Dubeňová, State Language School Palisady 38, Bratislava. ECML project: "Digital literacy for the teaching and learning of languages"; workshop (10-11 October 2017); participant’s report
Jana Juhásová, Catholic University - Faculty of Arts and Letters, Ružomberok. ECML project: "A roadmap for schools to support the language(s) of schooling"; workshop (15-16 November 2018); participant's report
Helena Šajgalíková, UNIcert LUCE (Language Accreditation Unit for Universities of Central Europe); CercleS (European confederation of language centres in higher education); University of Economics in Bratislava, Bratislava. ECML Colloquium “Ensuring quality in language testing and assessment: the contribution of the CEFR” (7 December 2016)
Zuzana Straková, University of Presov, Presov. ECML project: "Inspiring language learning in the early years: Why it matters and what it looks like for children aged 3-12 years"; workshop (12-13 September 2018)
Miroslava Višňovská, National Institute for Education in Slovakia, Bratislava. ECML project: "Inspiring language learning in the early years: Why it matters and what it looks like for children aged 3-12 years"; workshop (12-13 September 2018); participant's report
Jana Bérešová, Trnava University, Faculty of Education, Department of English language and literature, Trnava. - ECML training and consultancy "Plurilingual and intercultural competences: Descriptors and teaching materials" (FREPA); network meeting (18-19 December 2013) - ECML project: "A framework of reference for pluralistic approaches to languages and cultures" (FREPA National Networks); network meeting (31 May -1 June 2012)
Zuzana Duchonová, Metodicko-pedagogické centrum, Bratislava. ECML project: "Empowering language networks – Tools for mediating ECML resources" (LACS); workshop (22-23 May 2014); participant's report
Denisa Ďuranová, National Institute for Education, Bratislava. ECML project: "Using open resources to develop online teaching skills" (More DOTS); workshop (30-31 October 2012)
Marianna Hadvigerova, Národný ústav certifikovaných meraní vzdelávania (NUCEM), Bratislava. ECML project: "Languages as an indicator of corporate quality" (LINCQ); workshop (21-22 November 2013)
Adam Herceg, Pedagogická a kultúrna akadémia Modra, Casta. ECML project: "Language skills for successful subject learning – CEFR linked descriptors for mathematics and history/civics" (Language descriptors); workshop (7-8 March 2013); participant's report
Iveta Kovalcikova, University of Presov, Faculty of Education, Department of Pre-school, Presov. ECML project: "European portfolio for student teachers of pre-primary educators – The plurilingual and intercultural dimension" (PEPELINO); workshop (21-22 April 2015)
Beata Menzlova, National Institute for Education, Bratislava. ECML project: "Content and Language Integrated Learning – A pluriliteracies approach to teaching for learning" (CLIL); workshop (2-3 June 2015); participant's report
Miroslava Mišová, National Institute for Certified Educational Measurements, Bratislava. ECML project: "Relating language examinations to the common European reference levels of language proficiency; promoting quality assurance in education and facilitating mobility" (RELANG) network meeting (16-17 September 2013)
Eva Obžerová, Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports of the Slovak Republic, Bratislava. ECML activity: workshop for ECML National Contact Points and National Nominating Authorities (12-13 June 2014)
Silvia Pokrivcakova, Faculty of Education, Trnava University, Trnava. ECML projects: - "Developping language awareness in subject classes"; workshop (16-17 November 2017) - "European portfolio for student teachers of pre-primary educators – The plurilingual and intercultural dimension" (PEPELINO); workshop (21-22 April 2015)
Michaela Sepešiová, Institute of British and American Studies, Faculty of Arts, Prešov University, Prešov. ECML project: "Content and Language Integrated Learning – A pluriliteracies approach to teaching for learning" (CLIL); workshop (2-3 June 2015); participant's report
Roman Vojtechovský, Support Centre for students with special needs, Comenius University, Bratislava. Projet du CELV : « Sign languages and the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages – Descriptors and approaches to assessment » (PRO-Sign) ; atelier (15-17 avril 2013) ; participant's report
Eva Žitna, Spojená škola Novohradská, Bratislava. ECML project: "Towards whole-school language curricula – Examples of practice in schools" (PlurCur); workshop (7-8 May 2015); participant's report