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Norway: national representatives to the ECML

Norway joined the ECML on 1 August 1994

Governing Board of the ECML

Appointed ministerial representatives from each member state. The Governing Board adopts programmes of activities, monitors their implementation and oversees the Centre’s management.

Norway Norway - National Contact Point, Governing Board, Nominating Authority

Mr. Gerard Doetjes
Nasjonalt senter for engelsk og fremmedspråk i opplæringen
Østfold University College
B R A veien 4
NO-1783 Halden

Permanent observer to the Governing Board

National Nominating Authority

Agencies in each member state linked to ministries. They are responsible for selecting participants to the Centre's activities.

Norway Norway - National Contact Point, Governing Board, Nominating Authority

Mr. Gerard Doetjes
Nasjonalt senter for engelsk og fremmedspråk i opplæringen
Østfold University College
B R A veien 4
NO-1783 Halden

Contact for the European Day of Languages (EDL)

The function of a national EDL Relay is to act as a multiplier for organisations, schools and associations, circulating: information communicated by the Council of Europe (for example the press release of the Council on the Day, which the Relays are invited to translate into national/local languages, updates on the website); promotional materials - posters, stickers etc. provided by the Council of Europe every year in significant quantities for event organisers.

Norway Norway - EDL National Relay

Ms Tina Buckholm
Norwegian Centre for Foreign Languages in Education
Høgskolen i Østfold
NO-1757 Halden
+ 47 69 60 83 00
+ 47 90 89 98 90
+ 47 69 60 80 01

Contact for the European Language Portfolio

Please click here

Contact point for the ECML

National networks in language education; The National Contact point disseminates information and documentation on the Centre‘s work on a national level.

Norway Norway - National Contact Point, Governing Board, Nominating Authority

Mr. Gerard Doetjes
Nasjonalt senter for engelsk og fremmedspråk i opplæringen
Østfold University College
B R A veien 4
NO-1783 Halden


The Norwegian Centre for Foreign Languages in Education

The centre is the Norwegian national resource centre for the teaching of foreign languages in education and is to make efforts to ensure that the teaching of foreign languages is of a high quality, adapted to each pupil and given a practical, varied content. The centre is to make efforts to ensure that all pupils are offered high quality teaching in a wide range of foreign languages at as early an age as possible. The centre is to contribute towards Norway becoming a country whose inhabitants have a high level of proficiency in many foreign languages, both European and non-European.


Participants interested in ECML activities (e.g. workshops, information and documentation services) are kindly asked to consult our homepage, section ECML.

If you want to subscribe to the newsletter of The Norwegian Centre for Foreign Languages in Education, please request to be put on the mailing list for our newsletters by e-mail (nyhetsbrev).

You may also consult the library of our host institution, the Østfold University College (Høgskolen i Østfold), where even ECML publications are available.


Norsk (bokmål)

Nasjonalt senter for fremmedspråk i opplæringen fungerer som bindeledd (National Contact Point) mellom ECML og Norge
Fremmedspråksenteret er et nasjonalt ressurssenter for fremmedspråk i opplæringen. Hovedmandatet er å arbeide for at fremmedspråkopplæringen får høy kvalitet, blir tilpasset alle elever og gis et praktisk og variert innhold. Det faglige arbeidet er basert på forskings-, utprøvings- og utviklingsprosjekter i nær kontakt med studenter og lærere. Senteret skal bidra til at Norge blir et land med høy kompetanse i mange fremmedspråk, både europeiske og ikke-europeiske.

Norsk (nynorsk)

Nasjonalt senter for framandspråk i opplæringa fungerar som bindeled (National Contact Point) mellom ECML og Noreg
Framandspråksenteret er eit nasjonalt ressurssenter for framandspråk i opplæringa. Hovudmandatet er å arbeide for at framandspråkopplæringa får høg kvalitet, blir tilpassa alle elevar og har eit praktisk og variert innhald. Det faglege arbeidet er basert på forskings-, forsøks- og utviklingsprosjekt i nær kontakt med studentar og lærarar. Senteret skal bidra til at Noreg blir eit land med høg kompetanse i mange framandspråk, både europeiske og ikkje-europeiske..


Vierisgieloahpahusa nationála guovddáš doaibmá čanusin (National Contact Point) ECML ja Norgga gaskka
Vierisgielaid guovddáš lea vierisgielaid oahpahusa nationála resursaguovddáš. Váldomandáhtta lea ovddidit bargat dan ovdii, ahte vierisgielaid oahpahusas lea alla kvaliteahtta, ahte dat heivehuvvo buot ohppiide ja ahte dan sisdoallu molsašuddá ja lea geavatlaš. Fágalaš bargu vuođđuduvvá dutkan-, geahččaladdan- ja ovdánahttinprošeavttaide, mat čađahuvvojit lagaš ovttasbarggus studeanttaiguin ja oahpaheddjiiguin. Guovddáš galgá ovddidit Norgga riikan, mas lea alla gelbbolašvuohta ollu vierisgielain, maid hállet sihke Eurohpás ja eará guovlluin.