Renata Emilsson Peskova, University of Iceland. ECML project: "Mediation in teaching, learning and assessment" (workshop 18-19 May 2021), participant's report. Gísli Hvanndal Ólafsson, University of Iceland. ECML Project: “CEFR Companion Volume implementation toolbox” (workshop 14-15 September 2021), participant's report. Caterina Poggi, University of Iceland. ECML project: "CLIL in languages other than English – Successful transitions across educational stages" (network meeting 8-9 June 2021); "CLIL in languages other than English – Successful transitions across educational stages" (workshop 16-17 November 2022), participant's report. Charlotte Eliza Wolff, University of Iceland. ECML project: "Mediation in teaching, learning and assessment" (workshop 18-19 May 2021), participant's report.
Pilar Concheiro, University of Iceland, Reykjavík. ECML project: "Digital literacy for the teaching and learning of languages"; workshop (10-11 October 2017)
Emmanuelle-Solveig Simha, Landakotsskoli, Reykjavik. ECML project: "Learning environments where modern languages flourish" (EOL); workshop (7-8 March 2019)
Kriselle Lou Suson Jónsdóttir, Department of Education and Youth, City of Reykjavík, Reykjavík. ECML project: "Inspiring language learning in the early years: Why it matters and what it looks like for children aged 3-12 years"; workshop (12-13 September 2018)
Vala Sigurlaug Valdimarsdottir, Mimir-Life Long Learning Centre, Reykjavik. ECML project: "Language for work – Tools for professional development"; workshop (23-24 October 2018)
Charlotte Eliza Wolff, University of Iceland, School of Education, Reykjavík. ECML project: "Towards a Common European Framework of Reference for Language Teachers"; workshop (3-4 October 2018)
Fríða Bjarney Jónsdóttir, Reykjavik's Department of Education and Youth, Reykjavik. ECML project: "Towards whole-school language curricula – Examples of practice in schools" (PlurCur); workshop (7-8 May 2015); participant's report
Sigríður Vala Vignisdóttir (e-mail 1, e-mail 2), RANNÍS │Icelandic Centre for Research, Reykjavik. ECML project: National Contact Points; workshop (12-13 June 2014)
Kristin R Vilhjalmsdottir, Reykjavik City Library, Reykjavik. ECML project: "Collaborative community approach to migrant education – A virtual open course for educators"; workshop (25-27 June 2014)
Marín Þórsdóttir, Red Cross Reykjavík branch, Reykjavik. ECML project: "Using open resources to develop online teaching skills" (More DOTS); workshop (30-31 October 2012)
Nedelina Stoyanova Ivanova, The Communication Centre for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing, Reykjavík. ECML Conference 2011: participant's report
Sigríður Vala Vignisdóttir (e-mail 1, e-mail 2), RANNÍS │Icelandic Centre for Research, Reykjavik. ECML project: National Contact Points/ National Nominating Authorities; workshop (29-30 June 2010)
Gudrun Gisladottir, EU - Civil Society Platform for Multilingualism. 7th meeting of the Professional Network Forum on Language Education (8-9 December 2016)