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Albania: National representatives to the ECML

Albania joined the ECML on 26 April 2001

Governing Board of the ECML

Appointed ministerial representatives from each member state. The Governing Board adopts programmes of activities, monitors their implementation and oversees the Centre’s management.

Albania Albania - Governing Board

Ms Daniela Tamo
Ms Daniela Tamo
Department of English, Faculty of Foreign Languages, University of Tirana
University of Tirana
Rruga "Him Kolli", Pallati Santara, Kati 5, Ap.4
A-1010 Tirana
+355 4 2267509
+355 4 223 981

National Nominating Authority

Agencies in each member state linked to ministries. They are responsible for selecting participants to the Centre's activities.

Albania Albania - National Contact Point, Nominating Authority, EDL National Relay

Ms Ergisa Bebja
General Directorate for Education and Sports Development
Ministry of Education and Sport
Rruga e Durrësit Nr 23
AL-1001 Tirana

Contact for the European Day of Languages (EDL)

The function of a national EDL Relay is to act as a multiplier for organisations, schools and associations, circulating: information communicated by the Council of Europe (for example the press release of the Council on the Day, which the Relays are invited to translate into national/local languages, updates on the website); promotional materials - posters, stickers etc. provided by the Council of Europe every year in significant quantities for event organisers.

Albania Albania -

Ms Ergisa Bebja
General Directorate for Education and Sports Development
Ministry of Education and Sport
Rruga e Durrësit Nr 23
AL-1001 Tirana

Contact for the European Language Portfolio

Please click here

Council of Europe Office

E-mail (General)

Contact point for the ECML

National networks in language education; The National Contact point disseminates information and documentation on the Centre‘s work on a national level.

Albania Albania - National Contact Point, Nominating Authority, EDL National Relay

Ms Ergisa Bebja
General Directorate for Education and Sports Development
Ministry of Education and Sport
Rruga e Durrësit Nr 23
AL-1001 Tirana


The Department of Curriculum Development in the Ministry of Education and Science is the department responsible for pre university education (pre school and compulsory education, secondary and vocational education). The Ministry’s website (www.arsimi.gov.al - in Albanian and English) provides full details about the Department of Curriculum Development and the educational system in Albania. The language specialist in the Department for Curriculum Development is responsible for implementation of the educational policies in the field of languages (curriculum design, teacher training, bilingual education), as well as for co-operation in the field of languages with foreign institutions within the country and abroad.


The Albanian National Contact Point is responsible for communicating and disseminating information on ECML events and on ECML's resources, aiming at the professional development of the teachers but at the same time introducing them to the Centre's work and activities. The National Contact Point is responsible for creating a stable network of Albanian participants trained at the ECML and for applying their expertise in teacher training. Nominees are selected in co-operation with the National Nominating Authority according to their fields of interest and requests to participate in ECML workshops. Care is taken to ensure that nominees are actively involved in the particular workshop topic and disseminate information on the expertise acquired afterwards. Participants are obliged to submit a report after attending a workshop. The ministry regularly selects information about the ECML and puts it on its website in order to inform the public about the ECML's activities and programmes.