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ECML resources

The work of the ECML represents a collective effort and determination to enhance the quality in language education at challenging times. The publications illustrate the dedication and active involvement of all those who participated in a series of international projects and training and consultancy activities. The promotion of the programme outputs and their adaptation to different learning environments is supported through National Contact Points in each of the member states of the Centre. Read more

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Communicating with migrants - Guide for staff in job centres and public services

Communication is key to the effective delivery of public services, but it can be challenging for many reasons. Where clients have limited spoken and/or written skills in the majority language and different cultural perspectives, these challenges are all intensified.

Fortunately, there are concrete things you can do to address these challenges. This leaflet offers strategies and practical tips for managers to help staff support clients with limited language skills. And it offers help for all staff to reflect on communication styles used in today’s increasingly culturally and linguistically diverse working context.

Publication year: 2019

Author(s): Andrea Nispel



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Download the catalogue of the ECML programme outputs 2016-2019 "Languages at the heart of learning": English - French

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