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    Kevin Schuck
ECML PROGRAMME - Programme 2012-2015

A pluriliteracies approach to teaching for learning

A pluriliteracies approach builds on CLIL approaches to help learners become better meaning-makers, who can draw on content knowledge to communicate successfully across languages, disciplines and cultures. In this way it promotes deep learning and helps develop responsible, global citizens.

Kevin Schuck


Surname: Schuck

First name: Kevin
Address for correspondence: E-mail
Nationality: American

Affiliation with educational networks/associations

CLIL-Cascade Network 
The European Platform [Workshop Leader and CLIL training programmes] 
The International Baccalaureate [Teacher workshops and training programmes]


Occupation or position
currently held:
IB Head Teacher, CLIL coordinator, Curriculum coordinator and Teacher
Name of employer: Penta College CSG Jacob van Liesveldt
Country of employment: Netherlands


Primary and secondary education teacher, Montessori teacher. Master of education in curriculum development. Holds certificates as CLIL teacher trainer, English as a Second Language Teaching and International Baccalaureate workshop leader in Language B1 and Language A Language and Literature. Special Education and learning disabilities.


Mother tongue: English
Other languages: Dutch


contribution to the project

Website design and construction for educational use including digital textbook and support.
Materials and method development for CLIL and IB-related courses and teacher resources.
Production of materials, including books, digital and web-based  for use in training teachers for (IB) and CLIL. Development of subject specific materials for CLIL based teaching in digital and other formats.Computer and ICT competencies, Website creation and management

Other relevant information
Kevin’s teaching career has spanned over 30 years and has found locations in the United States and Europe and has included working in primary, secondary and vocational education. He has taught a comprehensive curriculum working with diverse populations including those with developmental disabilities, learning disabilities, and the gifted. Working in Montessori and private and public education teaching specific subjects ie. English, Physical education. Biology, Science for Public Understanding, English as a second language and the International Baccalaureate Language B1 Higher Level and Language A2 Higher and Standard levels in English.

Since 2003, Kevin has orngaized and lead teacher training programmes and held workshops for both the European Platform in CLIL as well as courses for the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma, holding workshops in both Europe and the United States for the IB Organization since 2006,   Since 2005 Kevin has been a major contributor in developing and writing the new "Language A" course on Language and Literature for the International Baccalaureate.  These courses include Teacher Support Materials in the form of a web-based curriculum which includes lesson plans, materials and suggested texts so to aid teachers in delivering the courses to students world wide.  These courses started in 2011and foresee the first exams in 2013.  Kevin is currently involved in designing a digital textbook for both teachers and students in the IB Program.

Through his work with the European Platform Kevin has had ample opportunity to observe student- teacher interactions and how teachers and students subsequently choose materials to fulfil the curriculum.  This, along with the recognition that today’s students must manage complex language and cultural profiles, has motivated Kevin to develop methods and materials which ensure that students gain the communication skills and content knowledge required by today's work force. In fact, involvement with teacher training has provided Kevin an opportunity to oabserve classrooms in action and, while attending various CLIL workshops, Kevn has observed that learners are able to absorb and learn languages through a much wider variety input than what is usually offered through traditional forms of language-instruction: rather than approaching text as disjointed from the content, it is the content that determines and constructs the message of a text. This has prompted Kevin to become increasingly more interested in CLIL, first becoming involved in teacher-training programmes in Eichstaat Germany, sharing his belief that the development of language-based skills can only come through an interdisciplinary approach where content provides the motivation for meaning-making. This is the type of belief he has taking into his teacher training and the development of language-learning materials and methods for upper primary and secondary education.


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Project workshop in 2015 - if you wish to participate click here and contact your National Nominating Authority