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    Oliver Meyer
ECML PROGRAMME - Programme 2012-2015

A pluriliteracies approach to teaching for learning

A pluriliteracies approach builds on CLIL approaches to help learners become better meaning-makers, who can draw on content knowledge to communicate successfully across languages, disciplines and cultures. In this way it promotes deep learning and helps develop responsible, global citizens.

Oliver Meyer: Coordinator

Surname: Meyer
First name: Oliver
Address for correspondence:  E-mail
Nationality: German

Affiliation with educational networks/associations

•CCN network and previously related European CLIL network [e.g.http://www.clilcompendium.com/] http://www.ccnclil.eu/index.php?name=Content&nodeIDX=3488
• Coordinator for Research and Teacher Training on Pilot Programme "Realschule Bilingual" in Bavaria: http://www.bayern-bilingual.de/realschule/
•AILA Research Network: http://www.ichm.org/clil/

Work information

Occupation or position currently held: Lecturer/Teacher Trainer
Name of employer:  
Country of employment: Germany

Languages of communication

Mother tongue: German
Other languages: English, French, Spanish

Project experience

Oliver has a great deal of experience in mediating information. For example as the host of the final successful CLIL CCN conference in Eichstaat, he had to mediate information to a large public using interpersonal, communication and multilingual skills to the full. He has great experience in mediating and disseminating information effectively.
European Commission Life-Long Learning Programme (network of 14 countries) CCN for CLIL. One of the theme leaders and contributor to conferences and website for networking bilingual education/CLIL
Outputs: network available at

Expertise in the topic of the proposed project

Practice in the field:  
Oliver has had several years of extensive teaching experience as a secondary teacher of English and Geography as well as CLIL-Geography. In his current position at the University of Eichstaett, he is a CLIL-teacher trainer. The University of Eichstaett is one of the few universities offering a CLIL-Masters Program, and Oliver is actively involved in the designing and implementing this Program. 
He is currently responsible for the CLIL-in-Schools Pilot Programme which offers continuing teacher training to teachers in the 80+ middle schools that have joined the Pilot Program. 
His expertise in CLIL is also documented by the innovative classroom materials that he has developed. His endeavors to improve the quality of CLIL teaching and learning have resulted in the publication of several articles on Quality CLil along with The CLIL Pyramid, a CLIL-Toolkit which guides lesson planning and materials development.  This toolkit has not only been well-received by the international CLIL community but has also been extensively adopted by CLIL-teachers for their own classroom pactice. After being accepted into the CCN-Network, he cooperated with David Marsh to organize the international CLIL 2010 conference at his univeristy (Eichstaett/Germany; CLIL 2010: In Pursuit of Excellence), demonstrating his ability to translate research findings into practical suggestions for classroom  practice. 
Oliver has held CLIL teacher training workshops all across Germany and in many European countries.  In 2010 he won an Award for Excellent Achievements and Innovation in  Teacher Training. He is currently also involved in the Project didactics which involves the design of  digital textbooks which bring together research findings from  CLIL research, SLA, neurosciences and cognitive psychology with the latest trends in technology (total convergence, social networks, gamification) and hardware (tablet computers, smartphones etc.)
His research into Quality CLIL and his extensive classroom observations in many European CLIL classrooms have convinced him that the current approach to CLIL may fall short of realizing its full potential unless specific attention is paid to the CALP of the students and if teachers embrace a concept of language that is meaning-led and not grammar-oriented. 
His dissertation focuses on the question of how instructed strategy use can promote both the visual literacy and the oral performance of young CLIL learners. The prelimary results are very promising and prove that CALP can be taught to young learners. These results clearly indicate that a revision of the CALP concept is in order and that teachers and researchers must reconsider how languages are taught. 


Meyer, O. (2013 in print): Strategy Instruction, Literacy Learning and Oral Language Performance in Young CLIL Learners. Eichstaett Academic Press.
Meyer, O. & Marsh, D.(eds)(2012): Quality Interfaces - Examining Evidence and Exploring Solutions in CLIL. Eichstaett: Eichstaett Academic Press.  
Book Chapter (peer-reviewed):
Meyer, Oliver (2011):Introducing the CLIL-Pyramid: Key Strategies and Principles for CLIL Planning and Teaching. In: Eisenmann, Maria ; Summer, Theresa (Hrsg.): Basic Issues in EFL Teaching. - Heidelberg : Universitätsverlag Winter, 2011. - S. 295-313 ISBN 978-3-8253-5947-8 ; 3-8253-5947-6
Journal Articles (peer-reviewed):
Meyer, O. (2010): “Towards Quality CLIL: successful planning and teaching strategies.” In: Pulso : Revista de Educación (Madrid, Alcalá de Henares). Bd. 33 (2010). - S. 11-29. ISSN 1577-0338
Meyer, O. (2010): „A Great Day at the Roman Baths. Scaffolding durch Visualisierungen und Szenarien“. In: Der Fremdsprachliche Unterricht Englisch, Heft 106 [Scaffolding im Bilingualen Unterricht]. 12-20. ISSN: 0945-1250)


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Project workshop in 2015 - if you wish to participate click here and contact your National Nominating Authority