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    Teresa Ting
ECML PROGRAMME - Programme 2012-2015

A pluriliteracies approach to teaching for learning

A pluriliteracies approach builds on CLIL approaches to help learners become better meaning-makers, who can draw on content knowledge to communicate successfully across languages, disciplines and cultures. In this way it promotes deep learning and helps develop responsible, global citizens.

Teresa Ting



Surname: Ting
First name: Yen-Ling Teresa
Address for correspondence: E-mail
Nationality: Italian and Taiwanese

Work information

Occupation or position currently held: Assistant Professor of English Applied Linguistics
Name of employer: University of Calabria
Country of employment: Italy


Masters of Arts in Professional Development for ELT Practitioners
Classroom research methodology; qualitative research; EFL curriculum development and evaluation; teacher-development
The University of East Anglia, UK
Doctor of Philosophy in Biology with specialization in Neurobiology
Human brain anatomy and physiology; neuroelectrophysiology; laboratory neuroscience research techniques; neurotoxicology and neuroendocrinology
Kent State University, Kent, Ohio, USA

Bachelor of Science in Biology with minor in Chemistry (with honours – Summa cum Laude)
Biological Sciences; Biochemistry
Muskingum College, New Concord, Ohio, USA
Bachelor of Science in Psychology with minor in Sociology (with honours – Summa cum Laude)
Psychology, Statistics
Muskingum College, New Concord, Ohio, USA


Mother tongue: English and Chinese Mandarin
Other languages: Italian

contribution to the project

Teresa brings a transdisciplinary perspective into this Project. She is not only an experienced CLIL-practitioner, EFL-instructor, and CLIL teacher-trainer but incorporates into these, her knowledge of how the human brain learns (or not), knowledge cumulated from 15-plus years as a neuroscience researcher. 

In addition to developing materials to help teachers understand HOW to do CLIL, when teachers understand how CLIL can transform classrooms into more “brain-compatible” learning environments, then they have a sustainable motivation - WHY do CLIL. 

In addition, teaching Scientific Writing in tertiary education has not only granted Teresa ample  experience in “educating towards CALP”, but has prompted her to develop, alongside teacher trainees, pluriliteracy-directed CLIL-science materials for upper secondary education.


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Project workshop in 2015 - if you wish to participate click here and contact your National Nominating Authority