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    Ana Halbach
ECML PROGRAMME - Programme 2012-2015

A pluriliteracies approach to teaching for learning

A pluriliteracies approach builds on CLIL approaches to help learners become better meaning-makers, who can draw on content knowledge to communicate successfully across languages, disciplines and cultures. In this way it promotes deep learning and helps develop responsible, global citizens.

Ana Halbach



Surname: Halbach
First name: Ana
Address for correspondence: E-mail
Nationality: German

Affiliation with educational networks/associations:

AESLA (member) 
TESOL-Spain (member)
CCN network (member)
Langscape (member)

Work information:

Occupation or position currently held: Lecturer
Name of employer: Universidad de Alcalá
Country of employment:  Spain

Education and training

MSc in Teaching English (Aston University)
PhD in English Philology (Universidad de Alcalá)

Languages of communication:

Mother tongue German, Spanish
Other languages English, French

contribution to the project

Practice in the field

Ana is bilingual herself and one of her mother tongue languages is German. Since German will be our second working language she is well suited to ensure that her expertise in drafting texts in this working language is used for the benefit of CLIL 2.0. 

In a project which foresees extensive interaction with teachers and education stakeholders, such experience is vital. In addition, from 2005-2008 she was responsible for developing and maintaining the web page www2.uah.es/educacion_bilingue, a page created for the dissemination of research results and teacher support materials created in a small-scale research project at the Universidad de Alcalá.  Ana also brings into this project extensive experience with e-learning platforms through which she has been teaching for the past five years.
After some teaching experience teaching foreign languages in secondary school in the UK, Ana has been teaching at the Universidad de Alcalá for the past 18 years. Starting with her PhD project in autonomous learning, she has focussed her research (and teaching) on the field of foreign language teaching, and more specifically in the areas of learning strategies, reflective teacher training and, more recently, bilingual education. She has been involved in various reserach projects focussing particularly on the role of teachers in the large scale CLIL project set up in the Madrid area. Together with a team of researchers she has been interested to see how teachers re-conceptualized both their existing teaching practice and their understanding of the notion of bilingual education while trying to meet the challenges of this pedagogical innovation. While the research results have been made public at conferences and in scientific publications, they have also been used for designing teacher- training courses that meet teachers' real training needs.
Thus, Ana has run teacher-training workshops for teachers working in the Madrid bilingual project ever since its creation in 2004, but has also been commissioned by the Spanish Ministry of Education to set up a week-long conference for CLIL  teachers from all over Spain. She has been coordinating a Master's programme in bilingual education with a yearly intake of 25 students for the past five years, and is currently supervising five Master's theses as well as four PhD theses in the field of bilingual education and/or foreign language teaching.

Other relevant experience

Ana has created and maintained the web-site www2.uah.es/educacion_bilingue for 3 years and partly teaches through on-line courses which utilize e-learning platforms. She uses digital applications in all her work and is a confident web-developer.  


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Project workshop in 2015 - if you wish to participate click here and contact your National Nominating Authority