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A quality assurance matrix for CEFR use

CEFR QualiMatrix

The CEFR Quality Matrix

Using the quality assurance matrix may help you to:

  • become familiar with quality assurance procedures and tools that can facilitate and support effective pedagogical practices; 
  • conduct practical diagnosis of strengths and weaknesses of any CEFR implementation; 
  • promote transparency in CEFR-informed curricular and pedagogical development within communities of practices. 

Access the matrix

Watch the tutorial

Before going to the Matrix, think about how far you and your institution use the CEFR to foster innovation in language education and to provide coherence between planning, teaching and assessment. 

These questions may help you in this process:

Do you use the CEFR to set learning objectives, implement the teaching programme and assess your learners’ progress and proficiency?

Does the teaching content reflect learners’ needs?

If you are a teacher educator, to what extent are these ideas discussed with student teachers in your institution?
Do you use the CEFR to set learning objectives, establish implementation procedures and design assessment in your institution?

Do you introduce innovation in cooperation with your staff members?

Do you offer opportunities to your teaching staff?

Do you evaluate the achievement of the learning objectives on an ongoing basis?
Do you use the CEFR to set learning objectives?

Do you centre the curriculum around language activities?

Do the implementation procedures promote an action-oriented approach to teaching?

Is the assessment aligned to the CEFR levels?