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Sammlung von Online-Tools und frei zugänglichen Bildungsressourcen

Willkommen bei der Sammlung frei zugänglicher Online-Tools und offener Bildungsressourcen für das Sprachenlehren und -lernen, das vom Projekt ICT-REV erstellt wurde! Das Verzeichnis enthält eine Liste von Tools, die anhand spezifischer Kriterien bewertet wurden. Weiterlesen
 (126 Bewertungen)   Bewerten Sie diese Ressource
Dieses Tool wurde im Rahmen einer Kooperationsvereinbarung zwischen dem Europäischen Fremdsprachenzentrum und der Europäischen Kommission entwickelt.


Hauptfunktion(en): Autonomous learning

An online video streaming site. Users can upload their own videos or view existing video material. Registration is not required, but registered users have more options (commenting, adding videos to favourites, following channels, etc.) Bewertung: Perhaps the most widely used online tool by language teachers as a source of authentic material. Please consider you are unlikely to find certain types of authentic material (e.g. people are unlikely to upload videos of unscripted conversations). YouTube can also be a collaborative tool where students create their own video projects, upload them on a class account on YouTube, and comment on each other’s videos. Uploaded videos can be made visible only to those with a link to them. Minimal IT skills required to find videos; average to advanced to upload.

Kosten: Free without registration + paid features

Website: https://www.youtube.com


Best practice

Pronouncing a poem
Youtube based task



  • Gruppen-/Partnerarbeit - Mitschüler*innen
  • Gruppen-/Partnerarbeit - Externe
  • Einzelarbeit
  • Individual work
  • Präsentation (z. B. Vortrag, Storytelling)


  • Hörverstehen
  • Sprechen


  • Websites/andere Nutzer*innen
  • Eigene Inhalte


Benutzeroberfläche User-friendliness/complexity of the tool´s interface

Simple and straightforward

Zeiteffizienz Time needed for mastering the „how-to“ of the tool and a production of a task


Sprache(n) der Benutzeroberfläche The number of languages in which the tool is currently available/adaptable to

Material available in numerous languages

Datenschutz Does the tool require registration? Who can see my data? Can I remain anonymous?

Medium. Youtube is owned by Google, and so the latter’s policies apply. Google is well known for using user data for behavioural advertising and marketing purposes, but it does offer a high degree of security for data. Youtube collects viewer data to customize their services, including providing recommendations, personalising search results, and behaviourally tailored ads. Youtube has had multiple copyright issues in the past, as well as occasionally breaching children’s privacy laws. Youtube does not explicitly state compliance with the GDPR. See more here.

Arbeit für spätere Verwendung speichern Possiblity to save your or others´ work for reuse/reproduction

No (you can add it to favourites)

Individuell anpassbar (wenn ja, wie?) Possibility of the tool to be used for a range of different activities (e.g. to what extent you can organize a project assignment with a central activity based on this tool)

Low (material is ready-made)








Technische Voraussetzungen

Installation erforderlich?


Kompatibilität/ Betriebssystem

Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, Windows phone

Andere technische Voraussetzungen




Diese Tools filtern

Principal Functions
Gruppen-/Partnerarbeit - Mitschüler*innen
Gruppen-/Partnerarbeit - Externe
Präsentation (z. B. Vortrag, Storytelling)

Interkulturelle Kompetenz

Eigene Inhalte
Websites/andere Nutzer*innen


Kürzlich hinzugefügt:

Playphrase (Tool to find the pronunciation of words from movies )

Playphrase is a tool that searches specific words or phrases out of movie snippets from a database of audiovisual media with over 60,000 phrases. In this manner, it provides real-life examples of words’ and sentences’ pronunciation. Users just have to type specific phrases, watch them being used naturally in context within popular movies and TV shows, and listen to their pronunciation. Playphrase works mainly with English. Playphrase is not open-source, but it is freely available. It does not require setting up an account or signing in. ... Mehr erfahren

Ein Tool vorschlagen ≫

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